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Devland leaned against a wall, staring up at Todd as he quickly formulated a strategy, "I haven't got much sleep lately. Honestly, my hands and eyes ache from all the studying."

Todd lightly chuckled though his gaze looked at anywhere but Devland, "Same."

"Yeah, you look tired too." Devland nodded and gently tilted Todd's head up with his index finger, "What's up?"

"Nothing." Todd said uneasily and Devland felt excited. He was so easy to read.

"You sure? I could help with the pain you know." Devland gave a flirty wink, "We're close aren't we? You can tell me anything. Is it family problems?"

"I–I guess?" Though his eyes suddenly dawned with the realisation that Devland was flirting with him. "Actually, you could help."

"Nobody's gonna remember what happened here in the morning anyway." Devland shrugged as Todd took a step forward, wrapping his arms around his neck. "You can tell me all about your problems, yeah?"

"Okay." Todd grinned and leaned down, crashing his lips against Devland's.

Devland wasted no time sliding his hands underneath Todd's shirt, letting it roam around his body as Todd kissed him fiercely.

'Hmmm... not here.' Devland thought to himself, considering that Todd barely reacted. Besides, Devland was starting to feel uncomfortable, he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and shower. He didn't like the feeling of someone touching him, especially so intimately.

Unless it was Akira.

'Okay no–shut up. I'm way too drunk.' Devland thought to himself, feeling butterflies flutter in his stomach. He grabbed Todd's collar and pushed him against the wall, which surprised the other boy so badly he flinched.

Or maybe...

"You okay? Did I hurt you?" Devland asked with false concern and Todd shook his head.

"I—just have a wound there." Todd explained, "The tattoo I got today still hurts."

"You have a tattoo?" Devland grinned, "Well show me."

Like the drunken idiot Todd was, he did and Devland's smile immediately slipped from his face as soon as Todd turned. Instead his face filled with horror as he saw a familiar symbol etched on Todd's back.

The symbol.

The skull with the horns. It was the same one in the murder site.

Devland felt sick; overwhelmed with a feeling of disgust so strong that he wanted to vomit. He stumbled backwards as that same feeling entered his mind.

"So what do you think?" Todd asked, looking over his shoulder.

"It's edgy." Devland mustered a grin as he forced himself to continue with his facade, "Thankfully, I like edgy things."

"Now that I think about it—it is edgy." Todd admitted.

"What's the meaning behind it?"

"To me it's... salvation. It's a way to escape from my shitty situation." Todd's voice was vulnerable.

"Sounds nice." Devland lied and checked his phone as it vibrated. He saw Akira's text saying 'We're leaving. Now.'

"Call me later okay? I gotta go now. I'll see you when I see you." Devland said hurriedly as panic seized him once again; The message sounded urgent.

Did something happen to Akira?

He bolted down the stairs and pushed through the crowd of people, while texting Akira where the fuck he was.

Suddenly, Devland felt someone roughly grab his arm and drag him out of the house. It was only until they were a few streets down did Akira let go of his hand.

He turned to face him, and Devland's heart twisted at the sight of his bloodshot eyes.

"Who made you cry?" Devland felt mind-numbing rage fill him, stepping closer. But only when Akira stepped back, did he realise that it was him. How hypocritical.

'Why was he upset?' Devland thought, and then, it hit him.

"Oh–Akira I—that was nothing—" Devland started, guilt pulling the rug from underneath him. His world tilted to the side, everything felt so horribly wrong.

"What? Oh–Oh—that. Yeah I saw you guys." Akira buried his palms into his pockets, "Yeah I don't care about that Beckett, I found something huge."

Devland didn't believe the first part, however he urged Akira to carry on.

"Remember how they said we shouldn't delay things? Well—I got an address. My guess is they're gonna do it there. I also found a tattoo—"

"Yeah I saw it too. So I'm guessing all The Elites have it." Devland nodded, pointedly ignoring Akira's questioning look. "Also, Jason said someone will kill them unless they finish everything up by Halloween. He also said that it was because of his shitty life that he did 'things', I honestly don't know what he is talking about but I'm guessing we'll find some answers in the location."

"Yeah I'll text you the details. Bye." Akira curtly said, turned and started walking away, leaving Devland there, shocked.

"Hey–wait—where are you going in such a hurry?" Devland called after him, running to catch up with the boy.

"Home. I hate parties." Akira grumbled, "Too chaotic." He stumbled a bit and Devland surged forward and caught him, before scrunching up his nose.

"Oh my god how much did you drink?" Devland hissed as he stabilised himself and Akira, the latter seemed to want to get away from Devland as fast as possible.

"Not much." Akira lied, "Just four cups."

"Four cups?!"

"Relax, Beckett, I'm fine. I can get home by myself."

"Akira you can't even stand—let me help you—"

"No!" The boy pushed Devland away, hugging himself tightly, "I don't need your help."

"I—what's your problem, Akira?" Dormant rage took over Devland, his fists clenching so tightly he thought his fingernails pierced his palms.

"I don't have a problem, you do."

"I know! I at least acknowledge it and I desperately want to solve it." Devland pointed an accusatory finger at Akira, "You're the one who's determined not to solve yours—hell you don't even talk about it with me!"

This was wrong—this was horribly, terribly wrong. Devland was too emotional at the moment; he knew that what he was feeling was irrational and Akira trusting him or not was entirely Akira's decision. Just because Devland trusted Akira, it didn't mean that the feeling should be mutual. Devland shouldn't rush Akira like this—he shouldn't say these things, but he did.

Devland fucked up.

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