CHAPTER 19: The Past

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Akira sat down for dinner. He was slightly nervous that Devland hadn't called him yet considering that usually, he would text him during these hours.

It had been two days since Devland went for that trip and so far—Akira's boyfriend hadn't been sacrificed in a ritual. You know, normal things that people felt relieved over.

He ate the delicious food his mother made, chomping them down and not even leaving a single grain of rice behind. His mother smiled at him softly, gently ruffling his hair as he ate. "You seem to be in a better mood." She said in Japanese.

"Yeah. I feel like I'm acing all the tests these days." Akira replied, "Devland's study guides are helping."

His mother frowned, "Why would Devland have study guides for your grade?"

"He's kind of a nerd like that."

His mother laughed as Akira chuckled softly, imagining a little Devland with a big book in his hand, reading out every sentence eloquently. "Smart boy." She commented.

"He is." Akira agreed, "Too smart for his own good."

His mother seemed to be in a good mood. Akira quietly observed her humming a happy tune as she drummed her fingers against the table in a beautiful rhythm. She used to be a drummer.

"Why do you look so happy? What's the occasion?"

"It's a surprise." His mother let out an even wider grin, "You're going to love it, I promise."

Akira shrugged, trying to act nonchalant as excitement sparked inside of him. What was his mother so happy about?

To be honest, she has always been upbeat. Optimistic, energetic, enthusiastic... Akira got most of his traits from her. She has always been there for him—Every. Single. Time.

He was surprised when he learned about Devland's mother; how awful she had been, how awful she currently was. He couldn't imagine his own mother behaving in that sort of way to him—sure she would beat him from time-to-time, but never too harshly, never too badly that it left bruises. There was love in whatever she said or did.

Akira decided to focus on other things, contemplating whether or not he should break into Devland's house and read the diary like Devland had suggested. On one hand, it didn't feel right to go through it without the other boy, but on the other... He felt an overwhelming sense of curiosity.

Why did Maximilian talk about him? Why was he important?

Akira simply sighed quietly, shaking his head. 'More importantly, how did Maximilian get involved in a fucking cult? Of all things he could've joined—he chose a cult. Wonderful, The Beckett brothers have the same sense of recklessness. It's stupid—why would he do such a thing? Family problems? Perhaps the divorce? And Devland said that the Devil was punishing him; If Max was the virgin sacrifice and he died impure, then that was probably the reason why the Devil was so mad. Perhaps that was also why their symbols were hurting. I wish I had met Devland under different circumstances. Whatever, I should probably type out some drafts of my admission essay. Oaks Wood is a good college, I could major in... actually... I've dreamt of getting a job, but what am I gonna do?'

Akira stiffened as he hit a wall on his road to success. He had always thought he had more time, more time to think about everything. He thought he could choose whatever job that made the most money but that wasn't really an answer. Sure, he could become a police officer, the constable would do his best to help him. But... police officers scared him—They–

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