CHAPTER 16: Pages Revealed

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"What was that?!" Akira asked as they exited the station, cold air biting their cheeks.

"First of all, fuck you for robbing me." Devland started, "Second, I'm impressed by your quick thinking," He nudged Akira with his shoulder, "Third, Sherif Davenport, Akira. Where have you heard that last name before?"

"I—Oh fuck. That's how they get away with it." Akira cursed as Devland nodded vigorously.

"Sly bastards. If I tell his dad–"

" —Uncle, I've seen his dad. That's probably his uncle."

" —Okay, uncle. If I tell his uncle, then we're both dead—maybe literally too." Devland sighed in frustration, "This is terrible. We have to deal with them ourselves."

"Yes, but how?"

"I don't know! We'll sleep on it." Devland flexed his trembling fingers, internally cursing at himself. He stopped for just a moment, the train of thought he had left while he was inside the cavern popping up inside his mind again.

He didn't want to answer that question.

"Akira?" Devland hated how small his voice sounded, "Can you—Uhm—hm—It's a long way back home right? And it's really dark."

"I'll be fine?" Akira raised his eyebrow quizzically, his eyes filled with curiosity, "What is it?"

"Uh—well—" Devland gestured vaguely, before covering his face with his palm and silently screaming into it. "Fuck—uhm—"

"Dev, you okay?" Akira bent down a bit to reach his eye level, brushing the back of his palm to Devland's forehead and oh God, Akira had the most kissable lips. "Are you running a fever?"

"I—I just." A lump formed in his throat, his heart skipping a beat as Akira lent him his jacket again. That seemed to give him enough confidence to say what was on his mind, "I—There's no food in my house."


"You've tasted my cooking, I've never tasted yours before."

"Are you asking me over to your house so I can cook for you?"

It's mainly because I want to spend more time with you and hope that you leave with my shirt on. "Yes. Why? Can't cook?"

"No, I can cook." Akira grinned slyly, "Way better than you."

"I prefer a live demonstration."

"So bossy." Akira smirked, but didn't refuse. He whistled a tune as the duo walked back to Devland's house. There were probably a lot of things they needed to talk about, so many topics to elaborate on, but for now, Devland could only focus on how Akira's cooking would taste like.


"It's... not bad." Devland bit back the giddy grin after he ate the whole plate that used to be filled with Akira's cooking. He loved the pasta he made; spicy yet cheesy. So good.

"Prick." Akira flicked Devland's forehead, "I would say 'No me cooking for you next time' but I'm afraid you'll just starve and that's concerning."

"I'll just make bread toast or pancakes."

"That's even more concerning. You need actual food." Akira nagged as they climbed up the stairs and into Devland's bedroom. His mother was out again. Devland was pretty sure she moved out into a motel or whatever, but he didn't care.

His father probably did. Maybe that's why he wasn't home.

"Your room is even messier than the last time I've seen it." Akira commented, his eyes scrutinising every detail as Devland went red.

"Shut up." The other growled as he immediately cleaned up as best as he could room, before lying down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Akira followed, lying down beside Devland. Both of them watched the fan spin.

"Akira... what are we gonna do?" Devland exhaled, his voice mixed with worry and anxiety. He thought back to the cavern, to the blood. God, everything felt so shitty.

"First, we're gonna sleep. Then burn that bridge when we reach there." Akira mused and Devland couldn't help but laugh. Then, silence settled over them. It was warm and comfortable, like the smell of coffee, the feel of the sunlight on your body.

"I've always liked your laugh." Akira admitted slowly, "And your smile. You have a beautiful smile."

'Wait shit what was happening?' Devland could hear sirens going off in his head, 'What am I supposed to do? Should I compliment him back? I don't know what to do.'

"Not the one you do when you're around the Elites." Akira added, "The one where you show your teeth. It's cute."

"What..." Devland didn't want to fish for compliments, but he desperately wanted to know, desperately wanted Akira to speak with that soft voice of his. So vulnerable, so gorgeous, "....else do you like about me?"

"Your eyes." Akira answered without hesitation, "It's soft and warm and kind."

Soft and warm and kind. He never thought himself to be any one of those things, he always saw him as a drenched skinny kitten you would abandon on the side of the street because of its ugly wounds. He always saw himself as unwanted.

He hid those insecurities among many layers and folds of lies and smooth talking; he used his looks to make people like him, he used his status to manipulate people to not leave him. All lies. All desperate attempts to make people stay.

But no one did, and most of it is his fault.

"Akira..." Devland could feel something break inside of him, yet something mended itself. Akira shifted his body closer to Devland, wrapping his arm around Devland's waist and pulling him closer. Devland obliged.

"I'm glad to have you beside me, Devland." Akira whispered.

Devland took in a rattled breath, turned and buried his face in Akira's chest, clutching the other's shirt tightly. I hope you never leave. I hope I'll always be by your side. I hope even death can't rip us apart, if it does, then I'll find you. I'll find you even if my bones have been broken and my skin has gone rotten, I'll haunt every dream of yours and rescue you from your nightmares. I will be there for you, as a friend or as a lover.

I'll be there for you for all eternity, and let my love for you keep you warm when the coldness of the world comes for you.

Devland pushed away from Akira a bit, propping himself up on his forearm and looking down at Akira. His free hand reached forward and gently caressed the other's cheek and Devland's chest spread with warmth as Akira leaned into the touch, looking up at him with his black eyes softening at the edges.

He was wearing a smile that made Devland's heart flutter. He was probably making a bad decision, but bad decisions were kind of the norm for someone like Devland, especially since such kinds of decisions looked so good.

He slowly leaned down, giving Akira plenty of time to push him away. Devland felt his lips brush against Akira's before he started kissing them, gently; softly.

Akira responded in kind, his fingers in Devland's hair and the boy couldn't help but smile against Akira's lips, snaking an arm around his waist and pulling him onto his chest. Akira let out a laugh of delight, staring down at Devland with a twinkle in his eye.

Devland locked his arm tightly around Akira's waist, giving him a shy smile.

"Tell me the truth," Akira asked, "You just wanted to spend time with me right? There was plenty of food in the fridge."

"Maybe so." Devland kissed Akira again, "But you can't say that you regret accepting my offer."

"Nope... can't say I do." Akira admitted before burying his head against the crook of Devland's neck, placing a tender kiss on his throat. Devland slowly trailed his palm up and down Akira's back, tilting his head towards Akira's and finally drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Life was good.

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