CHAPTER 5: First Thing's First

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Now usually, when a six foot tall abomination who looked like it hopped straight out of The Conjuring movies said that it will enjoy killing you, you would pack up your shit and get the hell out of this town.

Devland wanted to do that, he desperately wanted to because honestly, fuck everything.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" Devland groaned in frustration as he speed-walked towards his school the next morning, his breath cold. After that wonderful dream yesterday, he couldn't sleep at all. And this morning, he had made the wonderful decision to ask his parents whether he could go back to The Pines due to some complications with his education.

His mother had slapped him across the face and told him that if Max could handle St. John's High School, then Devland could too.

He was also grounded for skipping class the earlier day—Devland doesn't know how his parents found out about that—and finally, he dissolved into a jog. His red cheek stung against the chilly air.

First thing's first, he had to find Aster/Akira/Whatever his name was.

He managed to corner the boy during their walk to the second period; It was hard to find Aster with how easily he blended into the background. Devland fell into step beside Aster and, as the janitor's closet door came up on the left side of Devland, he yanked Aster into the room.

Aster yelled out some Japanese cuss words as Devland locked the door behind him and with only the morning sunlight filtering in through the windows, faced the other boy.

He was wearing a simple brown jumper, his jacket tied around his waist. Aster also wore dull blue jeans with torn shoes. His black straight hair stuck up at odd places and his hard black eyes were now glaring into Devland's brown ones.

"I need your help." Devland started.

Aster replied something in fluent Japanese, giving him a razor sharp smile, "Aren't your parents rich enough to buy you some brain cells?"

Devland was slightly taken back, "What?"

"I said 'What do you need help with?'" Aster clarified, though venom laced his words.

"I–right." Devland internally smirked, slightly amused by the other boy's behaviour, "I want you to help me get to know my brother."

Aster raised an eyebrow, "Isn't he... Um..." he gestured wildly, "Not in a rather good... position right now? I mean, he's not in a situation where he would open up to you, you know?"

Devland slapped his forehead, "Wow I didn't know that. God, I wonder whose funeral I attended some days ago—I know he's dead, genius, I wanna know what you know about him."

"We weren't that close." Aster shrugged, "He barely talked to me actually."

What? That made no sense. Why would Max want me to trust someone whom he BARELY knew? What the fuck is going on?

"C'mon he must've said SOMEthing to you." Devland insisted.

"We did have one conversation in the library but that was it." Aster shook his head, "I don't know what the fuck you want from me, new kid, but its obvious I don't have it so–if you would just let me leave–" He tried to sidestep Devland.

"No!" Devland blocked his way with an arm and Aster groaned in frustration, leaning against the wall as Devland faced him again. "Back to the library—what did you guys talk about?"

"I don't know!" Aster let out an irritated sigh, "It was a long time ago, okay? Fuck, I barely remember what I had for breakfast!"

"Akira focus!" Devland snapped, now desperate to know what that conversation was about. Maybe it contained some clues, maybe it was important, but regardless, the longer he spoke to Aster, the more confused he got.

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