CHAPTER 11: There is Familiarity in Pain

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Perhaps it was best to keep himself distracted from his ultimate doom; he knew that he was going to meet his mother today, he was going to face her after all these days.

Devland doubted it was going to end well.

He furiously typed on his laptop, researching more about the symbol as Akira lounged on his bed, reading through some books. Akira had been frequently visiting his home nowadays, occasionally dropping in and they would simply relax together.

Tomorrow was the big day, the day of the game and also the afterparty where they would glean some information. Akira and Devland had been searching for the ginger cat the whole week, but it was nowhere to be found. Devland even put up missing posters of the cat along with an elaborate drawing made from the janitor's description.

Since there were no calls, Devland had to assume it had an owner and was sweeping all social media apps of his classmates but to no avail.

"Says here the symbol, even though it's rarely used, belongs to a demon, Ancht." Akira mused from his place on Devland's bed. He was lying on his stomach, his chin placed on top of his hand.

Devland spun around on his chair, raising an eyebrow at the other boy, prompting him to elaborate.

"Look, it's basically a symbol of devastation, an ill omen. Basically we should definitely not fuck around and find out why this person drew the symbol on the walls. It's related to demons."

"Well—it certainly does not go well with the wall." Devland admitted, "Could it be a personal vendetta against Mr. Rogers?"

"Poisoning his whole family?" Akira shook his head, "I don't think so."

"You're right." Devland nodded, "If it was revenge, I would've made the man watch his family die and made sure that he suffered mentally more than physically."

Akira's eyes widened, "Devland have you ever thought of seeing a therapist?"

"It's a perfectly rational assumption." Devland protested as he walked over and looked at the book. Akira turned on his back, staring up at the ceiling with a perplexed look.

"Devland." He started, and his tone was cautious, "What did you feel when you saw that symbol?"

Devland bit his lip, looking into Akira's deep black eyes as he tried to come up with an answer. Something was resisting him to speak, something was telling him to lie, to say that he didn't feel anything. His throat constricted, his mouth felt dry.

"I felt..." He finally started, his voice raw, "Uncomfortable doesn't really cover it. I felt weirded-out, was like I was back at my brother's funeral or something."

"Same." Akira's chuckle was dry, "It reminded me of... certain times in the past."

Devland let the silence fester, letting Akira have a chance to elaborate more.

But the boy didn't.

Devland sighed, looking down at Akira as the other boy averted his gaze. He reached forward and gently shifted a strand of stray hair from Akira's forehead and Akira's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks turning scarlet.

"Tu es mignon quand tu rougis" Devland said sincerely and with no further thought or contemplation on what he just said, resumed with his research. "It says here that ancient cults have used it."

"Wha–huh?" Akira blinked, "So you're saying there's a cult in Halderberry?"

"Of course not." Devland rolled his eyes sarcastically, "I meant that Michelle probably drew that on the walls."

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