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[A few months had passed since Kanroji got the job]

                            -Kanroji Pov-
Today was my day off, I was glad, but I also missed the presence of Kocho, and seeing that mask guy every now and then.

[Idk what is Mitsuri's brothers real name so ima pretend it's Yunji]

I lived in a good sized house, with my parents and my brother, Yunji, he was a couple years younger than me. We've always had a close relationship, and I have much gratitude for that.

Kocho had told me about her sister, Kanae, apparently she was found murdered in a alley way. Interesting enough, she was said to be killed by a gold-plated fan.

Some sadistic person.

I do feel deep sorrow for her, but she still manages to smile, which I admire her for.

I sighed, I looked around my empty house, my parents worked morning till late, and Yunji is currently at a friends place. He's about 16 years old, he grew his hair, it's about ear length. Still a dark black, with his shining brown eyes.

Yunji was definitely more fortunate in love than me. Something I envy, but I still love him with all my heart.

I looked on my phone for anything interesting to do, there weren't any interesting places.

-Thing's Near You!-

Olive Garden - 15 Miles Away -4.8 Stars
Walmart - 8 Miles Away - 4.7 Stars (????)
Laser Tag - 18 Miles Away - Closed Down
Bubble Milk Tea Palace - 8 Miles Away - 3 Star
Cafe Dynasty - 13 Miles Away - 4.9 Stars
The Rat who rejected You - 100 Miles Away -
O Stars.
Paws & Drinks Cat Cafe - 12 Miles Away - Just opened

Actually, the cat cafe seems cute! I would love to see some cute cats, maybe I can invite Kocho to!

Actually, I just remembered, she's busy today. Awh what a shame! I'll just go by myself then, nothing new to me...

                    -Arriving At The Cafe-
I was standing outside, in front of the cat cafe. It was really pleasing to look at! It's color palette consistened mostly yellow, light blue, white, very light green, and some black accents. It had an adorable cat themed sign.

It read "Paws & Drinks Cat cafe!" In bold letters, and "Where The Two Best Things Are!" In smaller letters.

I happily went inside the cafe, and was immediately greeted with the scent of coffee mixed in with the smell of adorable little kitties! Kya! How cute! A small calico kitty came running to me, it had adorable fluffy ears, and sky blue eyes.

I immediately picked the kitty up, and held it close. He was so fluffy!

I looked around the cafe and saw atleast 6 other cats, all different in color and breeds. I think they even had a maine coon!

[Maine Coons are a cat breed that is basically the size of a damn dog]

I looked over to the counter, where you order, the cashier was wearing a cat themed apron. How adorable!

I went over to the cashier, ready to order something. "Hello, what can I get for you?" The cashier kindly said, her name tag read 'Mizusu' What a pretty name!

I glanced at the menu, already knowing what I wanted by one glance.

"Can I get the strawberry tea, and some sakura mochi?" I hesitated on ordering the sakura mochi, I promised myself that I wouldn't eat it again, or eat anything more than one plate.

But just a little can't hurt


"Okay, that'll be $14.57." I jolted away from my thoughts and back to reality, "Oh, yes of course." I grabbed my debit card from my wallet and payed. "Ah, I see you like Miyo, our calico cat" The cashier said, I had completely forgotten I was still holding the kitty.

"Oh! Is that the little cuties name?" I said in a baby voice, scratching the back of the kittys ear.

I heard the cashier chuckle a bit, I smiled, then went to take a seat at one of their tables.

I sat there for a minute, petting the little kitty, when I heard the door open. I instinctively looked up and saw the mask guy? He had his hair out, which was unusual to see since I was always so used to seeing him with his hair in a low ponytail.

I silently squealed out of excitement, I hadn't gotten much of a chance to talk to him in the last few months I've been working at the office. But this is definitely my chance to!

But would he think of me as creepy?

Hopefully not!

I was watching the mask guy, while slowly building enough courage to talk to him.

I wanted to be friends with him, maybe possibly more than friends.

But then I remember...

"Only a bear or a boar or a steer would marry you. Your hairs a funny color, the idea of passing that onto children gives me shivers."

"I changed my hair for you...isn't that enough? I ate less for you, I pretended to be weak for that not enough for you? I almost died starving myself so much...for you."

The memory haunts me.

The suffocating feeling I get when I remember their words, all I did to be 'accepted' all a font, I'm living a fake life.

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, taking me out of my thoughts, it felt like some kind of release.

I looked up at the person and quickly realized it was the mask guy!

He had a slightly worried expression, his eyes glistening with concern. "Are you okay?" His dry, yet sweet voice said. His voice sounding as sweet as honey, with his two colored eyes, yellow and blue, almost like a sunset. His black mask slid down his face a little bit, allowing me to see most of his nose, and a little bit of a scar?

He quickly noticed his mask, and immediately fixed it.

"Are you okay?" He repeated, his hand now off my shoulder, the loss of the warmth from his touch was easily missed by me. I craved more. "Oh, yes, I'm fine, sorry to bother you" The second my words reached his ears, he immediately started frantically explaining how I wasn't bothering him.

I smiled a bit at how gentle he was, from the outside he seemed angry and intimidating, but he's really like a cat if you really think about it. Seems like and maybe was a asshole, but once you get to know them you see their kindness and love.

I took this as a chance to get to know him, so I mustered up all my crippled confidence, and asked, "Do you want to eat together? Here, in the cafe?"

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