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"You don't...know what happened, right?"


Kanroji Pov—
What had that even meant? What did happen?
I didn't get a lot of sleep, the whole party thing was taking up too much space in my mind. Today was Saturday day, so it didn't matter if I slept enough or not.

I got up and went to my kitchen, it was pretty early in the morning so I don't think anybodys up yet. I sighed and layed my head on the table, Iguro plaguing my thoughts once again.

I guess I fell asleep, cause I awoke to my brother, Yunji, lighting patting my head with a box of cereal. "Yunji..?" I tiredly said, his expression only slightly changing into a frown. "Did you party to much at that party?" He jokingly asked, knowing that wasn't the reason I was so tired.

I burried my head into my arms again, trying not to cry.

Yunji realized this, as he quickly and worriedly asked, "What's wrong?! Did something happen at that party!? Who hurt you!?" He kept repeating firing questions without giving me any time to answer them. It made me smile a little bit. "I'm fine, no one hurt me," I said, laying my head in my palm. "It's just...something you wouldn't understand all that much,"

I knew saying that would only make him ask more questions, but it was all I could think of at the moment.

"Maybe I wouldn't understand, but it always helps to tell someone," He had a honeysweet smile on his kind expression. "I can listen, or I can attempt to help" He said, his voice in a lower tone.

I couldn't hold in my bundle of tears anymore, I burst into sobs of happiness, and worry.

"You—and—and—I love you Yunji!!" I said while quickly wiping my tears away, but just ending up crying more. Even with him being younger than me, I always felt like he was my older brother. Is that bad? Relying on someone who should be relying on you?

I feel it is, but at this moment I didn't care.

Yunji let me lightly cry into his shoulder till I calmed. It took around 15 minutes for me to compose myself. When my cheeks were dry of tears, Yunji asked, "So, do you want to tell me what happened?" I lightly shook my head, "No, I don't want to dump more of my problems onto you..." I said, holding back the urge to voice all my thoughts of last night.

"Your supposed to tell me your problems, not the other way around," I said, while silently sighing. "I'm the older sibling...whose supposed to care for you. With mom and dad always busy with work," I was interrupted by Yunji. "Siblings rely on eachother."

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