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-Kanroji Pov-
It was Monday again, so I had to go back to work. At least I get to see Kocho and Iguro again! I wonder if I could get Iguros number, so we can hang out together sometime again!

That would be fun...maybe I wouldn't be so lonely anymore then?

A couple of minutes later I arrived at my work building, I fixed my braids before happily walking in. I immediately spotted Kocho, I think she saw me too, as she started coming towards me.

"Hey Kocho!" I excitedly waved, only getting a small wave in return. "Hey Kanroji," I could see Kochos eyes darting around the building, before she grabbed my arm and dragged me all the way to her office.

"K-Kocho??" I confusedly said.

"Now that we're in a more 'private' area, tell me about the cafe!" Kochos serious and mysterious demeanor quickly faded away, as she got straight to questioning me about the cat cafe. "The cafe? Oh right," I giggled a little bit, it was interesting to see Kocho so invested in something so insignificant.

"Tell me!" Her voice got more demanding and sarcastic, still in a joking friendly tone.

"Yeah, yeah!" I playfully rolled my eyes, before excitedly spilling everything that happened.

— • —
"That actually happened, Kocho!" "I don't believe you, not one bit" Kocho playfully said, shaking her a head a little bit. "Well you should!" I jokingly said, pretending to be offended.

We joked around for atleast another minute before starting to actually do our work, I missed the happy presence when I hung out with anyone. Their smile, laughter, and honesty just the happiness radiating off them.

Is that weird?

I value other people's happiness over mine, that's not good right?

In an attempt to drown out my thoughts, I put on some headphones and just listened to all kinds of things, like, music, voicemails of friends, and videos I took when hanging out with people.

I always loved the idea of being able to capture a memory forever, I tried photography before but unfortunately failed at it, pretty bad too. But, that lead me to discovering art, something I was actually good at.

— • —
                                 -Iguro Pov-
Does anything ever change? This whole week, month, year, have all just been some repeating cycle. Nothing new happening, nothing old happening.

But, Kanroji being here, that's new, do things change?

That was a question that always lingered in my mind, never knew how to answer it. All the different ways to phrase it, and I chose the one that suggests I have to wait around for things to change. And, in some cases, yes, but I always hated having to wait around.

I didn't want to act out on what I wanted.

I hate that.

I sighed, realizing I got into these thoughts again, how do I keep ending up with these thoughts?

I heard someone knock on my office door, I immediately knew who it was before they even knocked, his heavy ass footsteps. "Come in, Shinazugawa"

He bursted in almost spilling the cups of coffee, "Be careful!" I sarcastically said, "You almost dropped my precious coffee!" "I'll drop you off this damn building!" Shinazugawa was definitely mad, which wasn't uncommon.

I sighed, before hesitatantly asking, "What happened,?" "Your keeping secrets from me" He said in a joking-but still mad tone, "Of course I am, who wouldn't?" I sarcastically said, attempting to annoy Shinazugawa a bit more.

"You actually went out in public with someone other than me?!??" "Yea, I'm a real person, what do think I am??" I said that last part in a more low tone, but my sarcasm was still very high.

— • —     -3:00pm-

Immediately once the clock hits 3 I pack my things and bust out of here, I've done that since I first got this job.

Currently, I'm driving to my apartment, I didn't live far from work but I didn't live that close either.

I passed by a girl with braids, 3 thick black braids, almost like Kanrojis, I squinted at the girl and realized it looked like Kanroji because it was Kanroji. I had two thoughts.

Do I talk to her? Or Do I drive off?

I suppose it wouldn't hurt if I just asked her what she was doing. I parked my car and hesitantly walked over to her, she was sitting on a bench outside of a gas station. It was pretty cold out and she didn't have any coat either.

"Hey...Kanroji" I awkwardly said, gently waving my hand.

"Iguro!? Hi! What are you doing here?" Her cheery smile immediately coming on when she spoke. "I...I just saw you while driving home and wondered what you were doing out the cold" I said that last part so it doesn't sound like I'm some crazy stalker who keeps track of her.

"Really? W-well I suppose it is quite worrying to be in the cold, but I asure you I'm completely fine, Iguro!"

I was actually going to delete this fic but decided not to cause I thought the cover looked really pretty💀
But I quite like this fic so I will try to update it more often :)

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