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—Iguro Pov—
I blindly walked around the area, before I ended up crashing into someone. "Sorry—" I immediately said without looking up.
It's Kanroji
What was she doing here?

"Iguro I was worried! You left Uzuis' place so quick! I couldn't find find you—a-are you alright..?" She asked, calming down on her worried rant. Her eyes where filled with genuine worry, "I'm fine. Its fine." I wanted to run away from her, but at the same time I didn't.

"Iguro, I'm sorry—I'm sorry if I invaded your privacy—or your life."
I chuckled a bit, I didn't understand why she was apologizing. Apologizing for making me happier? Apologizing for giving me a reason to not kill myself?

"You don't have anything to apologize for, Kanroji," I tried to comfort her with a smile but I doubt it worked since it was hiding behind the mask I hid behind my whole life.

The nagging feeling telling me Kanroji would think differently from the others became less of a feeling and more of a "I'm Like 60% Sure This Could End Well." The other 40% is screaming, and telling me I'm wrong. Telling me no one doesn't think of me as a freak. Telling me Kanrojis no exception to that.

Maybe it's right

I don't know

"So, why you out here so early?" I asked, attempting to redirect the conversation. But by the worried expression on Kanrojis face I could tell we'd circle back to it.

She let out a soft sigh, "I woke, and couldn't fall asleep again. I decided to walk around but walked to far and came here," She took a soft breath. "But, I'm glad I came here,"

I glanced at Kanroji, the wind was lightly swaying her braids, she had a soft smile on her cherry pink lips.

"The sky's pretty,"

"It is," Kanroji replied, taking a quick glance at me, before quickly bringing her attention at the sky once again.

"It's pretty, like you."

                          —Kanroji Pov—
"It's pretty, like you"

I could add that to the pile of fake compliments I get from other people. But this one I didn't want to believe was fake. It was more real than any other said by my parents, or brother.

I had a thousand things I wanted to say, but I only said the most important one.

"Iguro—I think your scars are—," I fixated my gaze on him, hoping I wouldn't mess this up. "I think your scars are beautiful, they tell your story." Scars hold memories, they can tell you how much you have progressed. Even if their small accidental scars, they show you healed.

"Don't hide your story, Iguro"

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