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-Kanroji Pov-
I somehow ended up sitting on Iguros kitchen floor surrounded by towels, while getting my my hair colored back to it's natural color.

"Do I need to wear gloves for this??" Iguro asked completely clueless, I was starting to reconsider if I should trust Iguro with my hair. "Yeah! Of course you do!" I said while completely failing to hide my laughter.

Iguro came over with gloves and a small bowl of the dye remover.

"Okay, you ready?" He asked, his tone having a small amount of sarcasm in it, "More than ever!" I excitedly said, I glanced at Iguros mask, I was still curious as to why he wore it all the time but decided not to say anything about it.

— • —

An hour later and my hair was completely covered in the dye remover, supposedly we were supposed to let it set for some time. So we're currently awkwardly sitting around, "S-so, Iguro, how long have you been working at the office?" I asked, attempting to break the dreadfully long silence.

"Oh uh, for about a year or two now.." "Really? I mean that's definitely alot longer then I!" "It's not that far off, just like...actually it's kinda far." I giggled a little, I couldn't tell if he was purposefully being funny or just completely unintentionally funny.

But either way, I loved being around him.

We started talking about parts of our private lives, it was mostly me though, as Iguro didn't seem to comfortable with sharing his personal life.

"Okay, okay, what's your dream job though?" I said, while recovering from my laughing fit. "I don't really have a drean job, but if I were to choose a preferred career, it would be owning some type of diner." "Really! Me too!" "Really? What a coincidence.."

"Haha, Yeah!"

I was definitely surprised by Iguros pick, but it was certainly a great choice! "We could own a diner together!" I randomly yelled not really thinking about it. Iguros face turned a slight red and he covered his face with his hood, even when he already had a mask on.

I clapped my hands together as I smiled saying, "We really could, Iguro! If you want, of course." "Y-yeah, that sounds...nice..."

— • —
A little while later and I was washing the dye out of my hair. It felt nice to see my normal color again, I really did love it. I don't know why I cared so much about getting a husband, why didn't I just live?

But that's okay, everything is better now.

"How does your hair look?" Iguro said as he walked in. "Iguro! It looks great! I love it,!" "That's good, it really does fit you, Kanroji."

"Yeah, I suppose!" I took a second to take in all of Iguros features, "Thanks, Iguro, I'm really glad you convinced me to get my natural color again." "I-it's nothing..." He said while hiding in his hood again. "W-well...when your done I have some sakura mochi in the kitchen."

"Really?!" I excitedly yelled while wrapping my hair in a towel and running off to the kitchen.

"How did you know I loved these?" I said in between bites of the mochi. "I...I kinda guessed by your unnatural-natural hair color."

Yea sorry this one's short, I was busy with things 😗🤞

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