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After Matt took me to gather my things from my porch and load the car, we sat in the car in the driveway of his house in silence. Nick and Chris ended up coming with us and ending their stream early. I felt bad for making them change plans such last minute, but I had no choice. 

The guys stopped at McDonalds on their way back, and I had taken one nugget from each of their containers. "You should've just gotten your own meal Sades" Chris said, breaking the silence as I dipped one of his kindly donated nuggets into his sweet and sour sauce.

"Where's the fun in that Chrissy?" I ask, sitting back in my seat and eating my nugget. Chris shakes his head and turns his attention to Matt who was, scrolling intensely on his phone. "What are you doing kid" Chris nudges his arm. 

Matt turns his phone screen towards Chris, "Hella people are commenting saying they saw 'a girl in Chris' doorway' on stream earlier." Matt mutters. Nick snorts out a laugh, "They saw Sadie and they're losing their minds" He says through a full mouth. 

"How the fuck did they even see me?" I question, moving forward in my seat to see Matts phone. A screenshot of my arm and hair was posted on a tiktok. "Im not even in the frame fully" I exclaim. 

Chris turns to face me with a smile on his face, "You should be in a video Sades" He suggests. I scrunch my face and shake my head no. "Absolutely not, I need to be incognito"

"Kid just used incognito in a real sentence" Chris points out, causing Matt and Nick to laugh. I roll my eyes, "My cover can't be blown... Im serious y'all" I continue the joke as they all shake their heads at me. 

"Anyways, we should probably go inside now. We've been out here for an hour" I say, gathering my trash and putting it in a bag. I grab everyone else's trash and shove it in the bag as well. "Oh whose room are you sleeping in?" Nick asks, grabbing a couple of my bags before getting out of the car. I do the same and follow the boys to the front door. 

We make our way into the kitchen and I place the bag in the trash then turn to face the three boys. "Why don't we all sleep in the same room, like we used to." I suggest. They all agree, and we make our way to Chris' room. I set my bags down in his closet, trying not to make a mess, and Nick sets the rest of my stuff next to it. 

"Thanks for taking me in guys, I don't know what I'd do without y'all." I state, earning soft gazes from everyone. "Don't get all sappy on us Sadie, you know we'd do anything for you" Nick says, tossing his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in for a side hug. 

Matt sits down on Chris' small couch in front of his bed, pulling out his phone. Nick and Chris had taken up all the room on the bed so I sat next to Matt. "You wanna watch something?" He asks, turning his phone screen toward me. I nod. 

"Wait stand up real quick" Matt says, and I do so. He pulls the small couch forward, flattening it out. He motions for me to lay down and he does the same. "Okay so it's either tangled, grown-ups or spy kids. Pick one Webby" He points out the three movies he chose. "Hmmm let's do spy kids" I click on the movie. 

Matt chuckles a little, "I knew you'd pick that" He whispers. I roll my eyes with a sarcastic smile, and lean into his arm a bit so I can see his phone screen. "Chris gimme a blanket" Matt calls, looking back toward his brother. Chris tosses a blanket over us and continues to talk to Nick about content ideas he has.

Halfway through the movie I felt myself getting tired again. Matt was wide awake, paying close attention to the movie on his phone. I turned my head to see Nick and Chris sleeping, Chris facing away from Nick and Nick laying on his back with his phone on his chest. "Matt set an alarm for us" I say, scooting closer to him. He looks at me for less than a second then looks back at his phone. 

"I got you, just sleep don't worry"


The Next Morning

I winced at the sound of Matts phone alarm blaring in my ear. I opened one eye and move to turn it off. Unfortunately, Matts phone ended up on the floor so I didn't get to it before everyone started to stir and wake up. 

"Why the fuck do you have that army air horn as your alarm?" Chris whines, rubbing his eyes. I finally turn it off before pushing Matt to wake him up. "Kid how do you sleep through your own alarm?" I question. Matt shrugs, still not opening his eyes. 

"Finally y'all are up!" Nick exclaims, walking in the room. "Where did you come from?" I ask, sitting up from my laying position. Nick smiles and points toward the door. "I was saying good morning to my parents. They're on their way out" He says. 

I nod, patting the area around me for my phone. I don't remember having it when I fell asleep. "Webby what are you looking for?" Matt questions, as I had accidentally bumped him several times. "My phone, I don't know what I did with it" I respond. 

"Did you leave it in the car ?" Chris asks, standing up and looking for it as well. I shake my head, "I brought it inside. Can you call it for me?" I ask. Chris nods and dials my phone. I hear the buzzing coming from under Matt. 

"It's in my pocket" Matt mumbles, fumbling around for my phone. I furrow my eyebrows, "Why was it in your pocket?" I ask. He hands me my phone, and sits up. "You left it in the kitchen last night, I forgot to give it to you." He shrugs. I nod. 

"Lets get ready, we got like 20 minutes before we gotta be at school" Nick says, causing us all to disperse and get ready.

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