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"Day two of being in LA, I didn't sleep a wink." I whisper to Nicks vlog camera, "Everyones still sleeping, and you may be wondering, 'Sadie, why are you talking to us?' which is totally valid... But im going to wake everyone up and get their individual reactions" I smile, ending my rant.

After we got home from the beach last night, everyone had fallen asleep watching a movie in Madi's living room. It was currently 10am and everyone was still sleeping.

"Im gonna start with Nick, because he's always quick with the insults with me" I chuckle quietly, making my way from the kitchen back to the living room. I turn the camera and give an overview of everyone sleeping.

"Nick!" I call out, shaking him with my free hand. He stirs but doesn't wake up. "Nicolas! Nick Nick NI-" His eyes shoot open as he pulls his arm away from my grasp.

"Fuck Sadie?! Why are you shaking me like an army sergeant?" Nick hisses, rubbing his eyes. I laugh quietly and motion for him to be quiet, trying not to wake the others. I contemplate waking Madi the same way, but decided to be more gentle.

"Madiiiiiiii" I sing out quietly, She scrunches her face and covers her head with her blanket. I laugh and move on to Chris.

"on to Chris y'all, he's a heavy sleeper so i'll see what I can do" I flip the camera toward me, then quickly back to a sleeping Chris.

"Sadies in her youtuber era" Nick teases, as he goes back to lay in his original spot. I shake my head.

"Chris, Chris wake up there's a spider on you!"

He doesn't move.

"Chrisssss! Chrisssssssstooopherrrr" I continue to poke at him until he finally groans in annoyance.

"Sadie is there an emergency?" He mumbles, lifting his head up but not getting up from his spot.

I smile, "no but the vlog wants to say hi" I state. He turns his head and squints at the camera, finally opening his eyes.

His expression changes from annoyed to shocked as he quickly hides his face. "SADIE!" He exclaims, causing Nick and I to laugh lightly.

"Good Morning Chrissy!" I sing out as he shakes his head. I moved on to Kamryn, who had tucked herself into her blanket.

I knew how light of a sleeper Kam was, all I had to do was poke her arm and she jolted awake. "What what happened?!" She panics, looking around frantically before her eyes landed on me and the camera.

"What?" She repeated again, I smile and shake my head.

"Nothing my love, say hi to the video" I tell her, causing her to dramatically put her hand over her chest.

"You can't abruptly wake me up like that, Hi Video" she dramatically says, smiling at the end.

I do one last overview of everyone awake before turning the camera back to me and standing up straight. "Last but not least, we have Matthew" I begin. I walk over to where he was sleeping on the couch and point the camera to him.

everytime | Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now