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todays was a big day for me... and by big day, i meant the guys weren't going to be with me in school.. or after school... or at all, for the rest of the week.

the photoshoot went so well that charlottes brand wants to sign the guys as models, meaning they had to meet with laura to make it official.

and yeah, of course i had kamryn, but she had no classes with me. the best i got was passing her in the hall and seeing her sympathy smile as she rushed across the school to her next class.

i contemplated just skipping the rest of the day. the phone call would go straight to my mother, and she didn't give a shit whether i was in school or not... but i couldn't.

"sades." i heard a whisper from behind me. our chem teacher was out sick again so we all had to sit in another teachers class since he didn't have a sub.

i turn around to see nate looking at me with a friendly smile, he leaned forward a bit so he could talk to me directly. i return the smile and shift in my seat to face him.

"oh hey!" i great excitedly in a whispered tone.

"hey, it's crazy i feel like i never see you in school" he chuckles, leaning back in his chair.

i nod, "yeah we have no classes together and you're on a different lunch schedule than us"

"don't remind me... i've tried to swap it so many times" he playfully rolls his eyes, "anyways, i heard about what happened with matt.."

i press my lips together and nod, "yeah... i guess news travels fast in a group of 6"

"listen sades... i don't know how you're choosing to handle it but matt has no ill intent."

i scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion.

"do you know the full story or just what matt told you?" i question.

he blinks a few times, then shakes his head "what's your perspective?"

"matt's a goofball that's my perspective. i don't know why he wouldn't have just asked me... i mean the whole point of a relationship is communication"

nate runs his hand through his hair and nods, fully invested into what i was saying.

"and he's been such a good friend of mine and if something so small could wreck our relationship i don't think dating him is a good idea right now."

he freezes.... i froze.

those words shocked me as they came out of my mouth.

"sades.. do you want to be with matt right now?" nate says, concern spread across his face.

i shake my head, "of course i do but-"  i trail off

nate nods at my pause, eager for me to continue. "i want to be with matt, i just dont want every disagreement or misunderstanding to end in him treating me badly" i tell him.

nate nods once again, slouching down in his seat. he scratched the back of his head before speaking up, "have you two talked about it since it happened?" he asks, after sucking in a deep breath.

i shake my head, "no... we just walked to the photoshoot.. he explained a little but why he did what he did but.."

"look Sades, you two are important to each other. you need to talk " he states sternly. I nod, he was right.

the more I thought about it, the more I realized that before we started 'dating', matt and I were able to comfortably talk    about anything. There was no jumping to conclusions, or icing one another out.

"why don't you come by my place today after school? you can bring kam too!" he whispers, leaning forward, "I just think you could use a break from the sturniolo house" he shrugs.

I nod at him once again, "yeah for sure! we'll meet you out front" I agree.


I dart my eyes around the crowded hallway, looking for Kamryns dark long hair to stick out and grab my attention. I waited at her locker after last period to ask her about coming with me to Nates after school, though she was nowhere to be found.

I pull out my phone to see if I had any messages from her, which I didn't, so I text her, 'where are you?'

'had to go home early, family emergency... sorry'

I nod and shove my phone in my back pocket. Kam had been leaving early a lot recently, and she wasn't really one to ever complain about her situation, I knew whatever was going on had to be serious.

"Sadie!" Nates voice called out, as he jogged over to where I stood. "about tonight-" he starts.

"ahh nate please dont tell me you're cancelling, kam can't even come" I practically pleaded. his expression turning from concern to sympathy.

"im sorry sades, I got a call and I need to handle some stuff for tomorrow. im really sorry again, I promise ill make it up to you." he says, pulling me in for a hug before rushing out the front doors.

I stood there, a bit disappointed, as Nate hurried away. With Kamryn gone and plans with Nate canceled, it felt like the day kept throwing curveballs. As the school emptied, I made my way to the exit, contemplating what to do next.

I decided to head home, hoping to find some solace in the familiar surroundings. As I walked, my mind raced with thoughts about Matt and our unresolved issues. It was clear that a conversation was overdue, and maybe Nate was right about the importance of communication.

Entering our house, the emptiness echoed. The silence reminded me of the guys, and how alone I actually was. I debated whether to call Matt or give it some more time. A ping from my phone interrupted my thoughts—a text from Kamryn apologizing again for leaving early.

Despite the setbacks, I realized I needed to face the situation head-on. I dialed Matt's number, hesitating for a moment before pressing the call button. The ring echoed through the line, each sound magnifying the uncertainty of the conversation ahead.

"Hey," Matt's voice greeted me.

"Hey," Matt's voice greeted me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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