What's the Deal with Nova's Mask?

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Logically, this belongs in the previous chapter. But if you guys've read some of the more downright unhinged stuff I've written (and occasionally unpublished right after) in the Trashposts book, you'll already know that I'm nowhere near logical. Like at all.

Anyways, I refuse to believe I'm the only one endlessly confused by what it's made of or how it works.

Like is it a really weirdly shaped cloth one? Or is that just the shading on his portrait making it look that way, because literally anywhere else it looks more solid?

Is it metal? Doesn't seem to reflect any light.

Plastic? Not if it's doubling as an actual defense for his face, as evident by the scratch/gash over one of the eyes - reckon he'd get that during a certain fight if it isn't painted on or an aesthetic choice - and if it wasn't good material he probably would've lost his depth perception.

How does he put it on? Is it like a costume mask with the thinnest string you can possibly imagine or is it one of those thicker velcro ones that looks kinda like a seat belt? Does it even have a strap or any other method of attachment? Is that why he wears a bandana over it of all things?

Are the holes and slits in it false or are they real and just really good at obscuring his eyes and mouth? How does this man see or breathe if otherwise?

confusion intensifies

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