oh wow even more restated/thought Rev!Nova lore I'm on a streak

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(Mentions/discussion of death, disownment, neglect, borderline abusive parental behavior, severely strained parent & child relations, estrangement(?), execution, violently disproportionate punishment, mockery)

because me going back and rehashing old V1 HCs into something with just a little more context and coherency is also a staple genre currently

late pm's the sole time window my braincells can actually braincell isn't it

because the rest of the time I'm the epitome of head empty no thoughts just existing

so remember when in the very first HC book I said he's not allowed back into Neon even though he left of his own accord to escape death yet they're so dead set on killing him anyway they've got eyes to do so (when they could literally just leave him be cause he's not bothering them anymore plus there's no way they'd have connections with the other worlds just like that because their whole gig is literally isolation - yes these two statements mutually coexisted in the same book and that's exactly why writers need to make multiple drafts and actually refine their initial brainstorming or else we get yet another massive waste of potential to toss to the questionable side of Booktok (which'll blindly praise it anyway to the disappointment of literally everyone else))

yeah so that's out the window-ish because it's corny ah

I have old logs of an original consideration for the reason that he was driven out being that the leaders themselves literally made him leave with the metaphorical equivalent of the clothes on his back after publicly denouncing his crime and disowning/casting him out in front of basically everyone for unforgivably disturbing the peace - with a strong undercurrent of thinly veiled disappointment in his failure to at least complete his little rebellion proper (ie. didn't kill the Summoner when he literally almost had them because he got too ahead of himself and fell out of in line with his teachings for a split second too long) and genuine tire of covering/dismissing his arse everytime he expressed what they deemed his inherently faulty/problematic nature (aka literally just being a traumatized child/ward with actual human needs) over the years just because Violet said so

so that would've been their breaking point even though they really don't even have the right to one at all

granted going to straight up execute him right then and there (second/V1 consideration) and rid themselves of him forever (at least before he bailed) would've also been considered a far more drastic breaking point, though it was mostly considered since it gave Nova more general agency by him actively choosing to leave instead of just ping-ponging him out of there

obviously each one has their benefits (ie. 1 isn't a severe overreaction on the leaders' part and 2 gives Nova some legitimate agency) so I'm considering maybe what the rules said to do was one or the other and they chose to do the the opposite, so it could be either they were so dead set on making sure they could get rid of the problem child for good despite it not actually being lawful or officially endorsed punishment so Nova has to bail mid-trial or because Violet once again talked them out of invoking the technical official and "lawful" but far more violent punishment to begin with at the further expense of Nova's already crumbled reputation (ie. "couldn't even at least get himself out of it mommy had to do it for him lol")

so which would you guys rather have

I've been trying to work out this particular plot kink for a while so I'm surprised I even successfully came up with any of this honestly

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