unhinged RevCan!Nova lore tidbit since we're still in this vein I guess

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(CW: Semi-joke about unstable parenting/guardianship)

parents and guardians LOVE to go off about how their children are fine and normal and perfectly stable and every possible deflection they can think of to defend their parenting as good

and that's kinda funny in a sad way in the cases that it's anything but

like excuse me your child's favorite coping mechanism to indulge in is your typical "superhero × damsel in distress" fantasy and they switch the role (and therefore alternate between an active/passive hypothetical approach to their supposed better future) they wish to take up depending on how they're feeling in that moment and you're meaning to tell me they DON'T have attachment issues and warped perceptions on what "earns" affection because that'll hurt YOUR feelings?

give me a break

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