sam nO

34 0 1

here have more unmotivated textposting because

A. It'd be in my best interest to be asleep right now and yet I'm clearly not

2. GL2's more pain than it's worth for something like this

D: I just kinda wanna ramble about some more concepts I'm playing around with for him so I have to physically restrain myself to this lol


Sam: So there's one thing nobody could get me to do no matter how much they try.

Luni: And what's that?

Sam: Black magic. Even if I wanted to - which I don't - practicing something like that would get me some seriously bad juju. No thanks, I think I'm fine where I am.


On the other side of the coin:

Corrupt/Malady!Sam: Ruthlessly cursing others is valid self-care. :)

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