c!nova is a progressive icon pass it on /hj

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(CW: Mentions and brief discussion of several -ists and -phobias)

random ah thing because this book

but anyway logically he can't possibly be racist, sexist, ableist, homo/transphobic, etc etc. because the entire basis of those is the irrational unironic belief that certain characteristics make one inherently more inferior than others without those traits

and you can't exactly be putting people into little arbitrary discriminatory boxes like that if you consider EVERYBODY to be below you no matter what so in a roundabout way it works

I dunno he just kinda gives off that "will absolutely mercilessly beat you within an inch of your life if he feels he has to but you better believe he'll respect your pronouns while doing so" vibe

plus homophobia/identity discrimination isn't even that rampant or anywhere near mainstream in the (Revised at least, possibly canon too) subworlds honestly, it's like the Owl House's Boiling Isles in the sense that literally nobody cares and it's just like "ok cool congrats :D" because no matter who you are or you're into or not into it's all just normal

so Revised-wise him frequently angsting over his own audacity to fall head over heels for exactly who he did as a matter/reflection of his morality is in no way because the person in question happens to be another man, it's because he considers that said man a deceitful, traitorous, wicked [insert alternative name for sword here] out to drag him to supposed darkness (ie. his defeat) if he dares roll with it

and to question if he considers it a moral failure on his part because of the former would have him looking at you in severe shock and confusion because how does that have anything to do with morality and who the hell unironically thinks things like that

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