brief summoner HC rambling take 2

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Because the first attempt - *checks message board* - was NOT in fact worded the clearest. My bad. ಠ◡ಠ

Granted, I still don't know how to describe what I'm about to (and it's not like it's anything massively developed or groundbreaking either) but I figured I'd try again just because this whole gig's been in my head for a minimum of 2 years at this point, so why not?

i'm slowly becoming illiterate help

Alright. So. First things first.

We all know that the Summoner is allegedly written to be magically/supernaturally inclined and a die-hard fan of just about all things adventure and fantasy, but other than a few pop cuture jokes/references and the words "curses" and "gods" being an integral part of their vocab (which I actually found pretty neat so I kept it as a quirk) they completely fail to deliver proper emphasis on that.

(At least that's what I remember, because honestly I don't actually know anymore and I don't care to correct myself either because screw canon.)

But hey, what if Lander actually TRIED to get the point across and we got someone who not only does their fair share of internet/book/game surfing but also dabbles in certain aspects and variants of Earth magic AS WELL as their bestowed prowess as wielder of the Gacha Sword?

You know, like magic/card tricks? Illusions? Incense burning? Superstitions? Tarot? Stuff like that.

Hell, make them an ACTUAL PRACTICING BABY WITCH (doesn't matter whether religious or hobbyist).

Because I absolutely refuse to believe a late teenager - especially one who's allegedly super into magic and fantasy - WOULDN'T jump at the chance to also have an overly prolonged witch "phase" stemming from elementary/primary school and would definitely rather stick to using ONLY their mega cool GIVEN superpowers MOSTLY on the job.

Which by the way is how the canon one is written. Yeah, I couldn't believe that either.

Like do the (mainly/stereotypically) teenage girl staples of folded "fortune-tellers" and love/crush compatibility tests and potion making in the shower/backyard/playground and other forms of borderline witchcraft just not exist in this universe or-

Second things second: ✨ Potential Symbolism(?) ✨

Alright, we're gonna exclude paganism/witchcraft from this part of the equation.
Those are genuine, mostly benevolent age-old practices that people actually utilize in order to be more in tune with nature and/or themselves - contrary to popular belief they are NOT performed solely to deceive, trick, or harm others.

I repeat for those in the back: 👏 THEY 👏 AREN'T 👏 INHERENTLY 👏 DECEPTIVE.

Instead we're talking about modern magic tricks (ex. "Pick a card, any card"), which ARE inherently deceptive no matter which way you spin them - their whole purpose is to lie to you for the perceived benefit of the wielder, whether it's intentionally malicious or not. :D

And considering how the Summoner's written in both GM and Revised (hero masking new and old pains)?

I'd say it's a perfect fit for comparison. :)

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