A Date?

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A few days go by, and you and König text a little, but not very much. You wished it would be more but you didn't want to see desperate to talk to him. Which, you kind of were...


A text from König popped up on your phone.

"Hey! I'm free this weekend, would you like to go out to lunch with me Saturday? maybe we could go to that one place you always loved?"

Your heart skipped a beat as you read the text.

"Yes! I would love to!" You responded.

"Great, I'll see you at the cafe, say, 11 on Saturday?"

"Yes. I'll see you then."

He actually wanted to see me?

You smiled at the texts happily


It was about 9:30am and you were over the moon excited for your lunch "date" with König. He even remembered your favorite cafe to go to!

You picked out a nice shirt, and a nice pair of jean shorts. Which you paired with some black high top converse, and some jewelry. You put your long brunette hair into two dutch braids, and threw on some perfume. You looked at yourself in the mirror before adding on a gold necklace, and a bracelet.

"Perfect." You said to yourself before grabbing your makeup bag and doing your makeup.

Once your makeup was done, it was about 10:45am. Perfect. You had time. You grabbed your purse, phone, and car keys and headed out the door. You got in your car, started it, and drove to the cafe.

When you got there König was standing outside looking around with fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt. You smiled as you got out of your car and making your way over to him.

You both exchanged a warm smile and a soft hug.

Oh my god... his hugs are just show i remember... warm, protective...

"YN?" König's familiar voice said.

"s-s-sorry... what?" You said looking up to him.

"how was your morning?" He asked

"It was alright. how about yours?" You replied

"It's better now that you're here."

Still as flirty as ever.

As the lunch date continued, you felt those old feelings that you had for König come back. The way his eyes looked into yours gave you butterflies. Although he had some scars on his face from the military, he was as handsome as you remembered. Those memories you guys made together stuck in your mind. The kisses you shared together while cuddling and watching movies would also play in your head... Even the nights you two made love... You had missed König, more than he probably missed you.

We're just friends... You told yourself. Just friends.

"I had a great time, maybe we could do it again?" You asked grabbing your things.

"Yeah, i'd like that." König answered standing up as well.

He wanted to hang out again? really!? You felt immense happiness knowing that he wanted to hang out with you more after this lunch date.

"Great, we'll thank you for inviting me to lunch today, I had a fun time."

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