Not Again...

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After a very long day of work, I finally arrived home. As i walk up to the front door of our house, i pull out my house key from my pocket and i unlock the door. I walk into the house and the lights are turned off. All of them.

"Hmm. that's weird..." I mumble to myself.

I set my bag down on the couch and i take my shoes off and i set them by the door where they go. I slide off my jacket and i put it on the rack where the rest of my jackets and coats are. but something's off...

König's jacket is gone.

Hm. now that's weird. Maybe he just went to the store.

No need to panic, Y/N... he's okay... he's probably just running errands... he's okay... he's okay...

I sigh softly and i go to the bathroom and i look at myself in the mirror. i lean down and i run my face under the cold water. Work was tiring but it's only 6:15, i can't be going to bed quite yet. Once i run my face under the water i dry my face off with a rag, removing my makeup. I put some toner and moisturizer on my face and i take out my contacts and i put my glasses on. I walk over to the bedroom, and there is a bouquet of flowers a long with a note.

I walk over to the bed and i pick up the note and the flowers.

The note read:

I am sorry that i have to say this, but i must. I was called to Qatar to help out there. I can't say how long this deployment will take, but i promise you... i will be home. you have my word my dear. I love you, so, so much, and i'm thinking of you. I hope these flowers make you happy. They're beautiful, but not as beautiful as you. You're in my heart, and my mind. I left you another gift on the kitchen table, if you haven't already found it. I love you.
With love,
König <3"

A tear rolled down my cheek as I finished reading the letter. the only thing that i could think about is what happened last time. When we broke up and he left me for years... the only other thing that was in my mind was opening the door one day to a soldier holding a folded flag with König's dog tags. I couldn't help but let the tears roll down my cheeks. I couldn't hold them in anymore.

Once my crying subsided, i got up and headed to the kitchen table, where he said he had another gift for me. There was a small wrapped gift box on the table. There was a small letter next to it. I picked up the letter and it read: "For you, my love, i hope you wear it." I smiled as i read the letter wiping the last of my tears off of my cheeks.  I slowly took the wrapping paper off of the box and once it was off i opened the box. Inside was a beautiful gold necklace with a gold heart charm on it, that had me and König's initials on it. I chuckled softly and i carefully took it out of the box and i put it around my neck. I sniffled and i held the charm in my hand tightly.

Later that night, at about 9pm i decided i was finally going to go to bed. I got up from the couch and i switched off the TV. I yawned and i walked to the bedroom. I climbed into the bed, which still smelled like König. I cuddled up with the blanket, and slowly, i fell into a deep sleep.


hey guys! i know it's been a while since i've published a chapter, but i am going to be trying to publish more! i'm currently writing this while on the bus for an orchestra trip, so in the two hour ride i'll try to publish a chapter or two each time! Much love! <3

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