When Duty Calls.

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A/N: Since my last chapter was so short, here is a second chapter for today.

Me and König where laying on the couch together, his head in my lap while we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. My hands were gently playing with his hair, one of his hands resting on my knee. He was holding it protectively. I loved when he would be protective of me. It made me feel loved. He always did the little things to make me feel loved. Whether it was rubbing gentle circles on my back while we sat together, or putting small kisses on my cheeks. No matter what it was, he knew just how to make me feel loved, something i haven't felt in years.

His thumb gently rubbed my knee as his eyes were focused on the movie. I smiled at the sight. he's so cute... i'm so happy he's home, and safe with me. I thought to myself. I moved my free hand to his back and gently scratched it. He smiled and looked up at me. He rolled onto his back and i removed me hand as he looked up at me.

"Well hello love." I says smiling.

"Hi..." He says softly, "can we head to bed...? i'm so tired."

"well of course." I say.

I grab the remote and i shut off the TV.

He gets up from the couch and picks me up. I chuckle as he picked me up and i wrap my arms around his neck. He walks us to our room and he lays me down on the bed before climbing in with me. He wraps his arms around me. I look up at him and give him a long, passionate kiss. He kisses back just as passionately, his hand finding my cheek. He pulled me closer to him by my waist. Without hesitation i climbed onto his lap and he smiled in the kiss. His tongue grazed my lips, asking for permission to enter. I slightly open my mouth to allow his tongue in. His tongue pushed into my mouth, it explored every inch. He moaned softly into my mouth.

One of his hands climbed their way up my shirt and teased my breast. I gasped softly in the kiss, slightly shocked at the touch, but i didn't object. He slid his fingers under my bra, and held onto my breast. I moaned softly into his mouth. He slowly pulled his hand out of my shirt and pulled my shirt off. He pulled away from the kiss to do so, and the slowly i clipped my bra, looking deep into my eyes. His blue eyes were so captivating. His gaze slowly moved down to my chest, and he started to hiss from
my neck down to my chest. He sucked on my chest and left some marks.

"God... You're so beautiful... My Goddess..." He said still kissing my chest, his warm breath gave me goosebumps.

His hands planted themselves on my waist and he started to rock my hips against himself, causing him to moan. I smiled as his actions and i put more pressure into the rocking. His head slightly went back as he groaned in pleasure. I pushed myself up against him and i started to kiss his neck still rocking on him, i could feel his member starting to harden in his shorts. He moans at my actions.

"oh verdammt... Y/N..." He mumbled under his breath.

I knew he loved my teasing. His eyes moved back down my chest before he grabbed me and threw me onto the bed and got on top of me. He took off my shorts, and his gaze moved down. He rocked his hips into me causing us both to moan. His hands pulled off his shorts in one tug... His package was showing, as his look in his eyes grew with desire. His hand moved to my panties, and his fingers slipped into them, but before he could put them into me... his phone rang. He looked up at it, and it was his boss.

"Fuck..." He muttered.

He got up slightly upset, and picked up the phone and talked.

"Alright, Alright... i'm on my way..." He said before hanging up.

I sat up and looked over at him.

"Y/N... I'm so so sorry to cut this time short... but i've been called in for a mission..."

He slips on his uniform and comes over to me and puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses my forehead.

"please don't go... please please..." I begged, my voice breaking.

He looked at me sadly.

"i am so so sorry, Y/N. When duty calls..."

I hug him tightly. "be safe... please."

"i will Meine Liebe. I promise."

He let go of the hug, and gave me one last kiss before grabbing his bag and rushing out of the door.

I'd be lying if i said i didn't cry. I was scared.

I put my shorts back on and one of his shirts. It still smelled like him. I curled up on the bed. Tears welling up in my eyes. I was terrified he wouldn't come home.

Please come home... please.... i don't think i'll be able to live if you don't come home...

Lost Time. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz