Saying Goodbye Part Two

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As I sat at home in the couch after a long day, I was watching TV when I got a call from YN.

"Hello YN." I said answering.

"König? hello? This is Chelsie, YN's roommate. YN is in the hospital, they tried to commit suicide. I need you to come down here. like, now."

After hearing those words, my heart dropped to my feet. I launched up from my seat on the couch and started putting on my shoes.

"I will be right there." I say grabbing my car keys.

I rushed to my car and immediately got in, not caring to put on my seatbelt. I sped to the hospital, I ran red lights, and didn't follow most of the laws. I needed to get to YN, and fast.

Tears started to well up in my eyes as i pulled up to the hospital, quickly running inside.

"König!!" A girl said, she looked to be in her mid twenties, she was auburn hair, glasses, and looked about 5'5.

"Where are they? are they okay? please tell me they're alive!" I said frantically.

"They're alive, they are still asleep, but you were the first contact in their phone that i could call. I found a letter to you in their room as well, I will tell you the rest soon, but you should read the letter first." She said, handing me a letter.

I took the letter in my shaky hands. The front of the envelope had my name neatly written, along with her signature. I carefully flipped it over and opened it. I pulled out a paper, it was filled with writing, front and back. Tears fell from my eyes as I read it:

I am so sorry that i had to write this, and if your are reading this, then i am most likely gone. I appreciate every single thing that you have ever done for me, but it is my time to go. i have loved you for as long as i have known you, and i will love you always and forever. You were the only person i could ever love, even during those years you were in the military, i still loved you. When i first saw you for the first time in years, its like a flame was relit in my heart. the time we spent together was amazing, and i don't regret a single thing we did. you were always my biggest inspiration, and i am so sorry that it ended up this way. i love you more than i can even get the words to explain, because there are no words to explain the love that i feel for you. i will see you in the afterlife.
Forever and always,

My heart broke as i read the letter. Although Chelsie said they were alive and stable, i couldn't help but feel like she was taken from me.

"c-can i see them...?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"of course." Chelsie said with a nod.

Chelsie led me to their room, and closed the door behind me, giving us time alone.

Seeing her in that bed made tears fall fast down my cheeks. She was indeed alive, thanks to a miracle... She really loved me... even after me leaving her? Was i the cause of this? did i draw her to this?

I looked down at her hand, gently taking it into mine... my thing gently rubbing across their smooth skin.

"You scared me so bad YN... I don't know what i'd ever do without you..." I said quietly.

I sat there in that chair for a while, just looking over them. I'm never letting them out of my sight again, even if it kills me. I made a mistake of leaving for the military, and i will never make that mistake again.

"I love you so much YN... I didn't think you did after i left for the military all those years ago... I'll never ever do it again, i promise. i'm right here... please wake up... i need to hear your voice... please please..." I said, my voice still slightly quivering.

they laid asleep in the bed, i was happy they were alive.

Hey yall!!! Apparently i'm #7 out of all of the stories that use the tag that i do so thank you!!! That's why i updated two times today. the next chapter will probably be a longer one, as it will be a sad one as well, if the last two haven't been. Again, thank you so much, i will update again tomorrow!

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