Dance With Me (Part Two)

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"That was so cute," Sasha brimmed as you made your way over to where she stood."Th-thank you," you blushed, rubbing the back of your neck.Your mind raced around the thought of you being in Reiner's room, the candles throwing amber shadows off his big, toned, burly body, his soft lips pressed roughly against yours. You rubbed your thighs together pettily to try and ease the heat growing within you, hoping no one would notice. You looked around once more, scanning the room as to Reiner's whereabouts. It frightened you not seeing him standing with Bertholdt anymore and you wondered if he had made his way to the dorm and was waiting on you. You turned and went face first into Jean's chest and you yelped in surprise."Where are you off to in such a rush," he asked, cocking his head to the side and grinning."N-nowhere, I was just gonna go chat with Mikasa and Eren over there," you said quickly,pointing in their direction.You knew it was plausible because they were standing near the door and you could make a quick getaway without being noticed. You pushed past Jean and through a dancing Sasha and Connie, a stoic Annie, bumping right into Bertholdt."Oh, hi ____," he greeted softly, "Reiner left if you were looking for him. He went back to the dorms."Your heart jumped in your chest at that and you kindly and quickly thanked Bertholdt before pushing your way through the crowd of cadets again. By the time you made it to the door, Eren and Mikasa had moved on and had been replaced by two men. One of them you knew because you had seen him atop his horse when the Scout Regiment would ride through town after a mission: Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman, humanity's strongest. He was an extremely short man in his late 30's with raven black hair, cold, unwavering, steel gray eyes and a thin frame. The other man was a tall blonde hair, blue eyed man, ice cold blue, but his expression was relaxed and quite compassionate."Good evening, cadet," the blonde man greeted you, "I'm Commander Erwin Smith of theSurvey Corps and this is Lance Corporal Levi."You nodded respectfully, not sure if you were supposed salute or not, "Good evening, sir."The shorter man make a click sound with his teeth as he looked around, "What kind ofsoiree is this?""A graduation party," you replied softly, getting a little impatient, knowing that Reiner waswaiting for you."Which branch of the military are you interested in, cadet," Erwin asked."Uh...the Scout Regiment," you replied, gazing out the open door toward the boys dorm."Takes skill to get in," Levi smirked, "Think you've got what it takes?""We'll just have to wait and see, Corporal," you returned, "Now if you'll excuse me, it hascome to my attention that I've neglected a previous engagement."With that, you saluted and hurried out the door and down the steps, speed walking. Behind you, you heard Levi say something about you being a brat, but you kept walking, hoping Reiner wouldn't be too angry for making him wait. As you reached the door, you looked around to make sure no one was watching and when the coast felt clear, you entered, the door opening with a heavy creak and shutting with a dull thud. Slowly, you walked up the dim hallway until you reached the open door of Reiner's room. You were surprised to find him pacing the floor in his tight clad white pants, and olive green shirt, his feet bare, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. His face was perplexed and he clasped his hands behind his back tightly."Are you alright," you asked, your soft voice snapping him from his thoughts.He looked at you and a smile grew across his face, "What took you so long?""I got stopped by Commander Erwin and Corporal Levi," you replied, leaning on the big wooden door frame."For what," Reiner asked."Erwin was interested in which branch of the military I'd be joining and Levi was just being Levi," you chuckled.Reiner smiled and held out his hand motioning for you to come in. You took his hand and pulled you to sit on the bed next to him as he sat. He gazed at you with his beautiful golden eyes. Even though gold wasn't your favorite color before, seeing his eyes made it your new favorite. You smiled into his face as he held your hands in his giant ones. He was blushing slightly, but the dim candlelight cast amber shadows around the room and his eyelashes created spiked shadows over his cheeks."______, I have something I need to tell you," he finally said."What is it," you asked, drawing circles and other shapes into his palms.Reiner inhaled deeply, "Please, _____, don't hate me, what I'm about to tell you is...pretty awful," he sighed."It couldn't be that bad, I promise to understand," you said as you held his hands next to your heart.Reiner let out a long sigh as he formulated a way to say whatever is was to you. He opened his mouth at least ten times before he whispered, "I'm the Armoured Titan..."You sat back, a comical look on your face, "No you're not," you laughed.Then, you looked at his face and you saw he was serious. His gold eyes were overcast his thin lips were pressed together so that they were white. He was now a pale color."Oh're serious," you realized as you let go of his hands and tried to grasp the information, soaking it in slowly.Reiner? The Armoured Titan? How? If he was, then that meant...he was the one who killed your family. Tears welled up in your eyes at that startling thought. Something in your soul became unsettled, then you remembered the night in the infirmary. He had held you tightly, you remembered the way he smelled, like fresh aftershave and vanilla, the way he felt, warm and protective, you had felt like nothing could hurt you."_______, are you okay," you heard him ask through your muddy thoughts."No, Reiner," you whispered as you stood to your feet, "I have to go."With that, you slowly began to walk toward the door, your extremities growing heavy and cold. Reiner leapt up, grabbing your wrist."____, please, don't leave me like this, say something," he pleaded, his voice almost near tears.The very sound broke your heart and you held your head down, trying not to cry a river. Reiner's breathing hitched in his throat as he watched you, waiting on your response. Slowly, you brought your face to meet his, hot tears streaming down your cheeks. The look in his eyes was even more heartbreaking. You saw the fear and regret and sadness."I'm sorry, ______," he said, his voice breaking, "I never meant to hurt you, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I didn't even want to do the damn mission," he began, "It was a mistake that I'll regret for the rest of my life."You watched his face as tears spilled over the brim of his eyes. Suddenly, nothing elsemattered to you except the tears on his face and the pain in his heart. You fully turned to face him, putting your hand on his cheek. It was feverishly warm and wet from the tears. Slowly you leaned in and kissed his tears away. You heard his breath hitch on his throat as you did, his hands trembling slightly."It's okay, Reiner," you coaxed, "It'll all work out, and it doesn't change how I feel..."

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