Graduation Day

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The mess hall was packed with the happy graduates of the 104th Trainee Corps and the

loud din of chatter filled the room. You stood with Jean in the far corner of the room, a big smile plastered on your face as well as Jean's. Even though you graduated 8th in the class under Bertholdt, you were glad that you at least made it into the top ten.

"Well, Jean," you sighed, "We made it. What now," you asked.

"I'm still going to join the Military Police and serve in the interior," Jean replied, his usual

cocky smirk in place.

Then, your favorite freckled boy, Marco, came over to join the conversation, his face

aglow with excitement.

"Congratulations, (Y/N)," he said cheerfully as he engulfed you in a bear hug.

You hugged him back, "Thanks, Freckles," you laughed, patting his back.

"So, uh, (Y/N), where's your boyfriend," Jean teased.

You knew he was referring to Reiner and you quickly threw a glance around the room, but

you didn't spot the hulking blonde or his friend.

"Reiner is not my boyfriend," you countered, turning back to Jean.

"Yet," he prodded, "I bet you guys haven't even kissed!"

The thought of you kissing Reiner suddenly flooded your mind. His soft, thin lips pressed

against yours, his sinewy hands tangled in your hair and roaming your body, your hands on his giant, muscular chest. The feeling of heat crept into you and once again, you stealthily rubbed your thighs to ease it.

"(Y/N)," Jean called, his palm landing flat on your back, "Stop thinking dirty thoughts about

Reiner," he laughed, causing heat and crimson to invade your face.

"S-shut up horseface," you said quickly.

"Leave her alone, Jean," Marco chuckled, patting your shoulder.

Then the hall door swung open and in walked the burly blonde followed by his charcoal

haired friend. Bertholdt looked unusually sweaty, but you paid it no mind as they walked over to where you, Marco, and Jean were standing. Reiner smiled softly at you before giving Jean a rough pat to the shoulder.

"Well, I see you managed to graduate sixth in the class, good job," he chuckled.

"I still can't believe I was ranked under Jaeger," Jean spat as he folded his arms.

"Don't worry about it, Jean," Marco said, his usual kind smile plastered to his face.

You smiled and found yourself gazing at Reiner as he talked. You admired his build and

his fluidity of movement. His deep voice seem to reverberate off something inside you and flow through you like a wave. You watched the way his biceps contracted and released everytime he motioned his hands. Bertholdt noticed and nudged you, smiling.

"I don't understand why you don't just ask him out," Bertl said softly.

You blushed bright red and scoffed, "I can't do that, it'd be awkward."

"How so?"

You paused, racking your brain trying to find an excuse, but to your surprise, you couldn't

find one. You really wanted to, but something kept you from it.

"I-I dunno, I don't know how to tell him," you finally said.

Bertholdt smiled again, and ruffled your hair, "You'd be perfect, even though you know his

secret, you don't think any less of him," he blushed, rubbing his neck, "I wish I could find a girl like you."

You smiled and patted his arm, "Thank you Bertl."

You stood outside, taking in the night air. It had gotten too stuffy inside with Eren yelling,

Armin talking about going beyond the walls, Jean teasing Eren, and Marco trying to keep peace. As much as you loved all of them, they were being a bit much. You closed your eyes and leaned against the stone wall of the building. You were starting your life, doing something with it. That made you feel good.

"(Name)," you heard Reiner's voice say as his footsteps grew closer.

"Oh hey," you said, opening your eyes.

"What're you doing out here," he asked, coming to stand in front of you.

"Oh, I just needed some air," you chuckled, "The guys can be a handful."

Reiner just smiled and leaned on the wall next to you and looked up at the stars, the

moonlight illuminating his profile and glinting off his skin. You smiled softly to yourself.

"So...a little birdy told me that you have a crush on me, (Name)," he finally spoke, jolting

you out of your trance.

"Wh-what," you stuttered, turning bright red, "Who told you that?!"

Reiner laughed a hearty laugh, clutching his ribs. You felt you face heat and go crimson

you watched him laugh, pouting slightly. Damn Bertl, he would pay for that. Once Reiner got ahold of himself, he turned back to you, his face serious now. He didn't say anything as he closed the space between the two of you, your bodies almost touching. Your heart sped up to a speed you didn't even knew it could as he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tipping your head up to look at him. His golden eyes were slitted slightly and were filled with an emotion you couldn't name. Further back he tilted your head until the skin of your throat was accessible. Oh god! Your knees shook slightly as you felt him press his lips to the sensitive skin and a whimper escaped. He began to trail kisses up your throat painfully slow, his arm snaking around your waist and pulling you in closer. You placed your small hands on his burly chest for balance as he continued, up and over the soft underbelly of your chin, then, your lips met his, his soft, tender lips. You went light headed as he tilted his head, angling for access which you granted when he licked your lower lip. All your thoughts were now in a disarray as his tongue explored your mouth, fighting your tongue for dominance. Finally, he broke the kiss, your lungs burning for desperately needed air. Your cheeks were bright red as were his. You giggled softly as he smiled warmly at you.

You were heading out in life and now, you had someone to share it with.

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