Come Back To Me

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When you awoke, you were in your barrack, your singlet dirtied from the dirt. Your head throbbed painfully as you slowly sat up. The last thing you remembered was being knocked out by Annie, nothing more. You didn't know what was going on, but you were determined to get to the bottom of this so-called mystery.


You hit the ground with a thud. You were pretty sure your leg was broken and mangled, but you looked anyway to see your leg twisted into a position no human's leg should ever be twisted in. You couldn't feel it just yet but you knew it would be hell later on.

"(Y/N)," you heard Jean call as he swooped down to your crumpled form.

"I'm okay, Jean, but you need to get out of here before the Female Titan comes back," you said as you pushed him back.

"Not without you," the ashen haired teen retorted as he carefully lifted you from the ground.

"You can't carry me and avoid trees all at once, I'm too heavy and I'll just weigh you down!"

Jean paid you no mind as he took off on a running start and began to swing swiftly through the the underbrush. You winced with every jerk as it jarred your broken leg, the pain starting to set in. Ahead, you could hear the rest of the squad signaling for withdrawal, which for you meant certain relief.


The journey back to the gate resulted in the loss of the gathered bodies due to a titan ambush and immense shame. The citizens looked upon the Corp with great chagrin, saying that their funds were going to waste and that the whole regiment was a waste of space. You listened from your position in a cart, angry and mortified at what was being said. How could they say such things? They didn't even know what you guys had been through, all the horror, death, and pain. You closed your eyes and tried to drown out the noise until you heard his voice.

"(Y/N)," Reiner called softly as he rode up alongside your cart.

You opened your (e/c) eyes to look at him. He was dirty, covered in sweat, blood, and dirt, his eyes soft and sad. You shook your head as tears brimmed in your eyes. You didn't want to talk to him at the moment. All you wanted to do was sleep off the pain and maybe never wake up again. You wished Jean would've left you lying on the forest floor, you wished the Female Titan would've done more than just break your leg. Without Reiner, you felt like you were nothing, you felt so empty. You didn't have anything anymore and all you wanted was him...\


All That We Wanted~ REINER X READERWhere stories live. Discover now