On The Lam (Part One)

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 "Don't think you can just fix this, Ymir, " you heard Reiner say, "You messed up real bad."

 "What did you want me to do, she ran," Ymir shot back.

 You opened your eyes slowly. It wasn't very lit up wherever you were. Only a few rays of sunlight poured through the half-covered window. Your head pounded painfully, a sickly sweet smell filling your nose. You took a deep breath and attempted to sit up.

 "That doesn't mean you just gas her," Reiner continued, "You could've injured her leg more."

 You rose to prop yourself on your elbows to look at the two bickering shifters at the edge of the rotting bed you had been placed on. They both stopped to look at you, Reiner with a look of relief and Ymir of contempt.

 "See, I told you she'd be fine," the ponytailed girl said as she folded her arms.

 Reiner rolled his eyes an moved to sit down next to you, watching your face for any sign of pain or discomfort. He stayed that way for about ten seconds.

 "(Y/N), do you know where you are," he asked as if talking to a patient in a hospital.

 "N-no," you replied softly as you looked around.

 You were in what looked like an abandoned bedroom complete with what looked like stuffed animals in the corner, old, ragged stuffed dolls and animals. It was kind of creepy and sent chills spiraling down your spine.

 "Good," Reiner said, "Ymir, give us a minute."

 The burly blonde moved an tad closer, still watching you intently. He moved his hand to touch your casted leg. The warmth of his big hand penetrated the cast. In a way, it gave you a sense of comfort and also repulsion. You watched his hand as he moved it up over your knee, your thigh, your side until he had your cheek cupped in his hand. You stayed as still as humanly possible as he skimmed his thumb across your soft flesh.

 "You don't have to be so tense, (Y/N), he said softly.

 "Well, what else do you want me to be, Reiner," you said shakily, "I'm scared."

 "I know, babygirl," he said as he leaned in to kiss the corner of your mouth.

 You pushed him back using your arm, anger swelling in your chest. How could he just pretend that everything was just fine and you weren't hurting on the inside? He looked at you with a puzzling look, his eyes fixed on yours, as if he was staring deep into your soul.

 "I'm not your 'babygirl'," you said softly.

 Reiner sat back and closed his eyes, "If you weren't I wouldn't be sitting here trying to make it better."

 You looked back at him, those golden eyes hiding behind creamy white lids with spiked lashes. You desperately wanted to reach out and touch the smooth skin of his face, but your whole body wouldn't comply correctly. The two of you sat like that for what seemed to be hours in silence, Reiner's eyes shut lightly. Finally you spoke.

 "Fix it," you asked, "You can't just 'fix' this."

 "And why not," the blonde said as he opened his eyes, "I understand what I did hurt you, and by no means do I think that a simple 'sorry' or a kiss can fix this, but please understand that I'm trying."

 "Yes, Reiner, I get that you're trying, but it's gonna take time."

 Your heart pounded furiously in your chest, so loudly that you were certain he could hear it. For the first time since the two of you broke up, you were having a conversation. You knew Reiner knew what he was doing and why, but your complete understanding was bleak. What was he really up to? Another wall breach? Or something much more sinister?

 "We'll take all the time you need," Reiner said after a short pause.

 To be completely honest, you were unsure of the man you loved now. You didn't know what he was planning with his posse and you didn't want to find out either.


 Jean panicked not seeing you in the mess hall or in your room. He ran frantically around the base looking for you, in fact, all of HQ was in an uproar about your strange disappearance. Levi was shouting orders between all the other yelling.

 "Somebody find her," Jean yelled as he threw open the stable doors.

 "Jean...Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie, Ymir and Krista are gone too," Armin said in a terrified voice as he followed the panting teen.

 Jean turned to face him with a horrified face.

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