On The Lam (Part Two)

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 By the time you got out of the bed, the sky was dark and heavy with rain clouds. You inhaled the scent of rain deeply, clearing your nose of the chloroform smell. Sitting up still caused pain to shoot through the back of your skull. Thunder rolled through the sky as the wind howled through some nearby trees. The setting was eerie, almost like a scene from a horror movie. You wanted to go home, you wanted for once to get away from Reiner, away from everybody else. You wanted to be alone and isolated to think about how much was happening and why. You knew Jean was worried about you, Armin too. They were probably frantic and scared by your sudden disappearance. You missed the horse-faced boy and your coconut headed companion.

 Suddenly, the door to the bedroom swung open to reveal a rather distressed looking Bertholdt, clutching a squirming ball tightly to his chest. It was hidden beneath his jacket, so you feared the worst. The two of you stared at each other intently for what seemed like hours before he finally spoke.

 "I found her around the side of the house," he began, "I couldn't leave her out like that."

 "Found who," you asked, cautiously scooting back to the headboard.

 Bertholdt slowly opened his jacket to reveal a small kitten. She had big green eyes and orange and white striped fur. Upon seeing you, she mewled softly and proceeded to squirm out of his arms to the floor. At first, you curled away from the innocent creature, but with Bertholdt's coaxing, you uncurled and slid to the floor to greet the small kitten. You smiled as you petted her orange fur, making her purr beneath your touch.

 "Ymir and Annie want to leave in the morning," Bertholdt said after a while.

 "To go where," you asked as you cuddled your new companion.

 Bertholdt hesitated before speaking, "To see Mr. Key.

 Mr. Key? The name sounded oddly familiar to you, as if you'd heard it before when you were a child. Surely Reiner wouldn't subject you to any further hurt...or would he?


 She fell into a dreamless sleep that night, tossing and turning until the moth eaten sheets were a turmoiled mess around her. I watched her from the other side of the room, sitting in an old rocking chair. Ymir told me to make sure she didn't try to escape in the night. Truth is, I loved watching her sleep, the way her cheeks would flush and the tiny murmurs and moans she made. She was a beautiful specimen that I was totally unworthy of, unworthy to have touched and been inside. I shuddered at the thought of being inside her again, those sweet, sweet walls tightening around me as she released.

 I moved from my seat and hovered above her sleeping form. God, how I wanted to touch that smooth skin that had once been pressed against mine. I grazed my hand across her cheek, being careful not to wake her. My heart skipped a beat in my chest, I was so close to her. I could feel her soft breath on my thumb as I traced her perfect pink lips. When she stirred, I backed away, my whole body heated. There was no denying that I wanted her and there was no denying that I would have her.

All That We Wanted~ REINER X READERWhere stories live. Discover now