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Astarion led her through the streets, and Aelia found it funny that she somehow felt safer walking through the dark streets with a creature of the night, how ironic.

Tugging her cloak closer to her, she followed the white-haired vampire into a street where a tavern was, bursting full of people, light and music.

Aelia watched in curiosity, and Astarion stopped beside her.

"Looks fun, doesn't it." He said, eyeing her closely, "But we've got other things to do." He then held her elbow gently and guided her through the crowd, into the tavern.

It was even busier inside, and Aelia winced at the noise, and the leering males that had ale in their hands.

She quickly looked away but noticed she had lost Astarion in the crowd, her heart leapt.

Looking around, she saw a male approaching her in the corner of her eye, and she avoided looking at him until he tapped her on the shoulder.

"And what's a lady like you doing in this place?" The drunk male asked, his leering eyes nowhere near her face, and Aelia felt her body stop.

She struggled with an answer, until she felt an arm go around her shoulder, and she stiffened, but looked up and saw Astarion's face set in a stony stare.

"She's certainly not here for you," He ran a judging eye up and down his body, "now run along." He bit out, his red eyes glaring into the drunk male's, who quickly scurried off.

Keeping up the act, Astarion kept Aelia under his shoulder as he walked to a door.

Once they had walked through, he then let go of her and stepped away from her.

"Apologies for that, it's busier here than I thought, most people here will try fuck anything with a pulse, so avoid going down there alone." Astarion uttered, his hardened eyes turning softer before he looked away.

"Thank you." She said quietly, taking a deep breath and following him upstairs. He went to the furthest door and opened it, beckoning her in.

Aelia entered and Astarion closed the door behind them, turning to see two people.

"Meet Shadowheart and Gale, two of my dearest companions." Astarion spoke, his voice drippping with sarcasm.

"I thought you would be more pleased to see us, Astarion." The beautiful woman, Shadowheart, replied, standing up and nodding at Aelia, "Whatever lies he has said, believe me, they are not true." A hint of a smile spread on her lips.

"They are entirely true, a pleasure to meet you." The man, Gale, added. He was good looking, and he took Aelia's hand, pressing a soft kiss on it before dropping it.

Aelia flushed slightly and nodded at both of them, "Hello, I'm Aelia."

"Don't frighten her away already, it took a lot to persuade her." Astarion drawled, flopping down onto the bed.

"Well, when a vampire approaches you in an alley, a normal person does not stop to chat." Aelia bit back, and Astarion grinned.

"If I can remember correctly, you did stop to chat." Astarion teased and watched her closely.

Gale chuckled and took her bag from her, placing it down on the table, "Ignore his jabs, you'll soon learn that we," He pointed to himself and Shadowheart," are much better company than him."

Astarion cried out in protest and Aelia felt a smile on her face as she watched, Shadowheart stepped beside her.

"You'll soon learn that both their company is unfortunate, but they are helpful in combat, I suppose." Shadowheart whispered, and both men whipped their heads towards them.

"Unfortunate company?" Astarion complained.

"You suppose!" Gale said at the same time, and Aelia grinned. A thought ran through her mind, a thought that she might like being within this group.

After talking for longer, the sun started to rise slowly. Shadowheart set out to the market, and Gale muttered something about needing to find a magical artefact in his room. Which left Aelia and Astarion in the room.

"I usually sleep once the sun rises." Astarion spoke quietly, closing the drapes around the curtains until the room fell into darkness, and Aelia stiffened.

She tried to stop herself from igniting the candles that Astarion blew out, and she let out a breath.

"I'll leave you alone." She said quickly, walking to the door.

"Why do you hate the dark so much?" Astarion's voice cut through the silence, and Aelia looked back at him.

"What do you mean?" She didn't mean to make her voice so sharp, but it was. Astarion walked closer to her, tilting his head.

"I noticed whenever you walked back to your house, you'd avoid any area that was dark. You light every candle in the room, and try to get back before sundown. Is there a reason you avoid the dark so much?" He spoke, and Aelia swallowed.

"I'm standing in the dark right now." She retorted, looking up at him.

"You're itching to leave, tell me I'm wrong." He replied, a teasing smirk on his face.

Aelia fell silent, and closed her eyes as she felt the darkness imploding in on her. Her heartbeat was erratic.

"In my past, darkness was used as a weapon against me. A tool for fear. I will not let it happen again." Aelia said quietly, and watched Astarion's face become softer. But she turned away and left, closing the door behind her.

She walked to the opposite wall and leant against it, closing her eyes and trying to control her heart. She hadn't revealed anything about her past to anyone, not for ten years.

Aelia looked at the closed door, and almost felt like Astarion was watching her from the other side.

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