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She'd barely began walking when she heard a voice.

"Aelia?" It was filled with relief.

She peered forward and saw him.


She couldn't help the relief and safety she felt as she saw him running towards her.

"My gods, where have you been?" He exclaimed, staring at her, "I could scent your blood, what happened?"

Aelia stared at him, her eyes full of exhaustion.

"To hells with it." He muttered, and put his arms around her, hugging her tightly. He buried his head in her shoulder, and Aelia slowly put her arms around his body.

She pulled back slowly, wincing.

"Before I tell you anything, I really need to heal myself properly." She then showed him the back of her legs and the slashes that were there, ruining yet another dress. She'd have to ask Astarion to mend it.

Astarion's eyes hardened as he stared at the wounds, "What in the sweet hells happened?"

"There was a man, he immobilised me to stop me from walking, I've only just been able to walk and- What are you doing!?"

Astarion was picked Aelia up in his arms, and he strode through the street towards the tavern.

"Put me down! I'm quite capable of walking by myself." She said loudly, and Astarion rolled his eyes at her.

"Please! You would hold us up until the sun rises." He said, his hold tightening a little, and the tavern came into sight.

Astarion decided to go through the back entrance to avoid attention, and he carried her up the stairs and into his room, placing her on the bed.

"Why are we in your room?" She huffed, summoning her magic again to heal it properly this time.

"My room is prettier." Is all he said, walking out the room, most likely getting Shadowheart and Gale.

The three of them walked into the room and closed the door, Shadowheart and Gale looked concerned at the blood spilling over the bed, asking her questions at the same time.

"I'm alright, no need to fuss over me like hens." She told them all, and they were all stood around the bed, watching as she healed herself completely.

She then lay back onto the pillows with a sigh, looking up at them tiredly.

"What happened?" Shadowheart asked, sitting next to her on the bed.

"I was fine walking through the village and getting information, it was when I was walking back here that it happened." Aelia then carried on telling them all what happened, and Shadowheart grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"We should've searched earlier, I'm sorry." She said, bowing her head.

"I said we should've searched for her, if it wasn't for the sun I would've gone out there instantly." Astarion huffed, crossing his arms and looking annoyed at Gale and Shadowheart.

"Don't be mad at them. This was my choice." Aelia rolled her eyes, and Gale nodded.

"Exactly, she chose to go out there and she got the information. It's unfortunate that this happened, but she's alive." Gale added, looking at Astarion.

"If you think-"

Aelia cut Astarion off with a yawn, he paused and stared at her.

"I think we should leave her to rest." Shadowheart squeezed her hand once more and stood up, practically dragging Gale out of the room.

Astarion picked up a lit candle and placed it on the bedside table.

"I'm sure you wouldn't want to rest in a bed covered in blood?" He asked, and Aelia only had enough energy to shake her head, the vampire laughed quietly and picked her up gently.

Aelia didn't question it, and let him carry her outside into the hall and unlocked her door, carrying her into the darkness.

She didn't grow anxious in the darkness, as long as Astarion was with her.

He lit a candle and light filled the room as he placed her sitting up on the bed, then he walked back to her pack, and pulled out her nightclothes.

He handed them to her silently and then he turned around, and Aelia didn't even check to see if he'd turned around to look when she dressed. She knew he wouldn't look at her.

When she'd changed, he picked up her bloody dress and hung it over his arm.

"Do you think you'll survive the night?" He teased, and Aelia smiled slightly.

She hummed with her eyes closed, "Perhaps."

Astarion laughed and began to turn away, but Aelia's hand flew out and grabbed his lower arm, and he turned back in shock.

"If you want, you can stay here." She mumbled, and Astarion's eyes softened.

"I will." He whispered, "Let me just grab a few things, and I'll be back."

Aelia nodded and closed her eyes, waiting for him to come back in. A few minutes later, he softly opened the door again and treaded into the room.

She saw that he had a needle and thread in his hands, and a book. As he sat on the other side of the bed, she sat up.

He had lit another candle and put it on his bedside table, giving him enough light to see properly.

As he threaded the needle, he noticed that Aelia was watching him and he looked away shyly.

"I want to witness your talent in the flesh." She murmured, even though her eyes were closed.

Astarion huffed a laugh, "Don't put me under all this pressure, darling."

He then picked up the dress and slowly began sowing, and Aelia watched him softly. A comfortable silence sat between them.

Astarion kept stitching until he felt a weight on his shoulder, he glanced beside him to see Aelia's head was leaning on his shoulder.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing was even, she'd fallen into her meditation.

He then tried not to move too much, and continued stitching her dress again, feeling content as she rested.

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