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It had been a few days since they'd left the small tavern, and apart from the awkward glances from Gale, Aelia was happy.

The pair obviously kept their hands to themselves when their companions were near, but it didn't stop Astarion at staring at her whenever he could.

They hadn't done anything else since the leaving the tavern, but Aelia's mind kept flashing to the overwhelming pleasure, the feel of his, his sounds.

She quickly broke away her mind, her cheeks flushing as they walked.

"What's on your mind, my darling?" Astarion asked, his eyes gazing at the blush on her cheeks with a smirk.

"Nothing in particular." She answered, her eyes narrowing on him. And his smirk widened.

"Please, control yourselves." Gale begged, his voice frustrated, and Astarion grinned.

"Is our conversation not to your taste, my dear friend?" The vampire's voice was dripping of sarcasm, and Gale merely glared at him.

Aelia took the time to admire their surroundings. In the moonlight, everything was beautiful. The darkness did not scare her, she found it rather comforted her instead, if Astarion was there beside her.

"We're nearing the swamps now, tread carefully, all of you." Shadowheart warned, and they all stepped more carefully.

"I can't wait to see what creatures we face!" Astarion grinned, clapping his hands quietly.

"Nothing too hideous, I hope." Aelia replied lowly, eyes darting around as if a creature would lunge out at any moment.

Astarion stepped nearer to her, and touched his hand to the small of her back, pushing her ahead of him gently.

She gave him a small smile, then continued watching their surroundings. Aelia's spine erupted in shivers when she saw a pair of eyes dart away as quickly as she saw them.

They all had one hand ready to grab their weapons as they kept walking, and two hours later they had finally made it to the swamps. Aimee shivered at the cold, pulling her cloak tighter to her.

"Well, it's certainly not the prettiest place we've travelled to." Astarion joked, his face tight as he observed the bare trees and murky water.

"I doubt we'll see many pretty faces either." Aelia replied, hand on her dagger ready to strike.

"At least you'll have my pretty face, darling." Astarion purred, and Aelia grinned at him.

Shadowheart then shushed them quickly, stopping in her tracks suddenly, and they all stilled. Aelia unlatched her dagger silently, her eyes barely blinking.

A soft growl could be heard, and Aelia wasn't sure which direction it came from, it sounded like it surrounded them.

Then, a roar erupted as a large creature as black as night lunged out from wherever it was hiding, it's eyes were moon-white, and jaws snapped, showing several layers of teeth. Aelia moved backed in fear, her eyes wide. It was staring right at her.

It hissed and snapped it's jaws at her, but Aelia couldn't move, couldn't do anything, like the beast was moving towards her in slow motion.

A force shoved her to the side and she fell onto the floor, getting a face full of mud. She spat it out, full of disgust as she wiped it from her eyes. Aelia peered up and saw a person stood over her, staring down the beast.

Not just anyone.


He was a fearless force against the creature, his stare so cut-throat it could kill with a single glance. His eyes were pits of fury, and his teeth were bared.

The Shadows | Astarion Where stories live. Discover now