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They'd walked until even Shadowheart was exhausted, and they were nowhere near a cave or a tavern. Aelia grew more worried as the night passed, what would Astarion do when the sun finally emerged.

The group was tense as they walked quickly, the terrain had been rough and difficult to travel over, Astarion's jaw was clenched as he kept an eye on the sky.

Nothing was said, no one wanted to bring up the fact they were running out of time to find safety for Astarion.

"Well, since no one else is going to say it. It won't be long until I burn up like a crisp if we don't find somewhere." Astarion drawled, trying to sound normal and relaxed. He was anything but.

"You won't, we'll find somewhere." Aelia grounded out, ignoring any other possibility.

"I thought there'd be somewhere on route to stay." Shadowheart muttered, frowning as she stared ahead.

The sun was about to rise, and it wouldn't be long until it would land on Astarion's skin.

"I think there is." Gale called out, pointing ahead.

His hand gestured to an abandoned looking building, but seemed to have enough shadows for someone to hide.

Aelia breathed out a sigh of relief, and they walked quicker, trying to get to the building as soon as possible.

Astarion hissed out, and Aelia's head flew towards his direction. His skin turned greyish as the sunlight hit it.

Aelia paced towards him and held his hand, quickly healing him. Taking Astarion's hand, she pulled him in the direction of the building as he continued to be hit by the sunlight.

She threw open the door and he lunged inside, hissing as his skin finally left the sun. He stared at his grey skin in horror, and Aelia sighed in relief. He was safe.

Shadowheart and Gale walked through the door, the latter closed it when they'd entered. Astarion panted against the wall, and Aelia walked towards him.

Kneeling gently, she took his hands and healed them quickly, her power being summoned quickly. She caressed his hands softly, and noticed he'd calmed down and relaxed at her touch, the shaking has stopped.

"Well that was terrible fun." He joked, and Aelia smiled sadly.

"If that's your definition of fun, I'm quite scared." She retorted back, and he managed a small smile.

She turned back towards Shadowheart and Gale, "That was too close, are we sure there's an inn or tavern closer to here?" She asked quietly, and they hesitated.

"We can go out and check, just to make sure we don't risk Astarion." Shadowheart answered, and Gale nodded.

"We'll go out soon, let's rest for a moment and then we can set off." He replied, and the cleric nodded, both quickly setting up to rest.

When it grew quiet in the building, Astarion slumped against the wall, his face showed his devastation.

"I'm a burden to you." He whispered, staring at his hands. Aelia looked towards him, shocked at his words.

"You are not a burden. You are a part of this group, we do what we can." She replied, her voice firm.

Astarion shook his head, "Gods, am I selfish enough to make you live a life like this, living in the shadows for me."

Aelia took his hand, making him look at her, "It's not selfish. And you don't make me do anything."

Astarion managed a smile, "Quite right, you're too stubborn to do anything I say."

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