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Astarion then slowly moved away from her, and Aelia leaned back against the table with a hand, her head feeling light.

Astarion looked down at her worriedly, and placed a hand on her elbow.

"I think I might need to rest." She breathed out, and Astarion nodded.

"Let me help." He murmured, taking her hand and helping her off the table, and then took her to a bedroll that was laid out.

He helped her lay down, and once he was satisfied that she was comfortable, he made to stand up.

She tugged at his shirt sleeve and peered up at him, "You can stay with me, if you want."

It was almost shy.

Astarion stilled, but nodded silently.

He seemed hesitant, but he lay beside her. She turned around and slowly slid her hand across his chest. He followed her gaze.

"Is this okay?" She whispered, and he nodded quickly.

"Yes." He swallowed, and Aelia shuffled closer to him. Astarion slid his arm under her body and pulled her closer to him. They're bodies relaxed, comfortable with each other.

Astarion hadn't ever experienced anyone touch him with such innocence, with such hesitatance to make sure he wanted it. And he did want it, more than he cared to admit.

He pressed his lips to her head, "Rest."

Aelia leaned against him and closed her eyes, slowly but surely falling into her meditation, trying to replenish what blood her body had lost.

Astarion stayed awake whilst she rested, but didn't loosen his hold on her. He breathed out and tried not to let his mind think of the horrors that had happened to him, and that he was healing and learning what he wanted.


Astarion heard the door open and he tensed, but saw Gale and Shadowheart breeze into the small room.

Gale's voice practically boomed through the room and Astarion glared at the wizard, clearly hinting to the resting healer in his arms.

Gale winced and lowered his voice, "We found a small inn. Middle of nowhere, someone is bound to steal from us." He said, fallimg heavily into a decaying chair.

"Well, it's most certainly better than this hovel." Astarion replied quietly, trying not to move as Aelia breathed evenly against his chest.

Shadowheart watched the healer with a warm smile, "Once it's sun down, we can leave. It's not that long of a walk, so you won't have to worry about being burnt again."

Astarion nodded his thanks, gazing down at Aelia. His eyes instantly softened, and his breath faltered as he took in her.

"You're lucky, do not break her heart." Gale's voice bit out as he stared at the pair. Astarion couldn't help but want to hide Aelia away from the wizard's gaze, his hold tightened.

"Gale, don't interfere." Shadowheart said before Astarion could answer, her voice was hard and Gale looked away at the force of it.

Astarion knew that Gale was soft for the healer, Aelia may not see the looks he gave her, but Astarion certainly did.

He always denied being a jealous person, but he couldn't help the small bite of jealously continuously gnawing at his heart, whenever he saw Gale looking at her like he just did.

He then felt Aelia move in his arms, and he looked down at her. Her eyes were open and she looked less tired, less pale in the face.

His eyes trailed down to her neck, the scars from his fangs were still there. And a small, hidden part inside of him was delighted at the fact she'd kept them.

Aelia blushed and sat up, stretching slowly and seeing Gale and Shadowheart.

"Did you find somewhere to stay?" She asked, her voice raspy.

"We did, somewhere that we'll probably be pick pocketed." Gale grumbled, and Aelia smiled.

"It's better than nothing." She replied brightly, happy that Astarion would have somewhere to stay out of the sun.

"Very positive thinking, my darling." Astarion spoke, and Aelia poked him before standing up.

"Shadowheart, could I speak to you?" She said suddenly, and the cleric nodded, Aelia then led her outside. Astarion watched as she left, confused and felt his chest tighten with anxiety.

What if she'd decided she didn't want to carry on with whatever they had? What if he'd done something wrong?

Aelia led Shadowheart a short distance from the building, and perched herself on a log. The cleric sat beside her.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" She asked, tilting her head.

"How do you know if you're in love?" She asked, saying the question out loud scared her.

Shadowheart stilled.

"Are you saying-"

"No I'm not saying that. I just... I've never felt something like this, but I said we don't have to rush anything but I feel like my feelings are growing quicker than I thought." Aelia said quickly, her tone becoming more panicked.

Shadowheart put her arm around her shoulder, "Be calm. And you cannot help your feelings, it's good that you're feeling this after what you've suffered." She said, and Aelia turned to her.

"But... what if he doesn't feel it?" She whispered, and the horror dawned on her. She didn't think she could cope.

"There's only one way to find out, and that's to ask him. But I don't doubt what he feels, you may not realise it, but the way he looks at you makes it seem he'd kill anyone for you, would do anything for you." Shadowheart spoke, her words piercing her mind and heart.

She listened carefully, and nodded. She wouldn't know if she didn't ask. The healer didn't want to call it love yet, she knew it was far too quick.

But the uncertainty of their relationship was beginning to confuse her, and she wanted answers.

It was up to Astarion if he wanted to give them, now, later or never. She wouldn't force him to feel, but could only hope for the best.

Shadowheart looked away whilst she spoke, "When I was younger, there was this girl. The prettiest I've ever met. I'm sure what we had was love, and I'm glad I experienced it with her. But we went out separate paths." Her eyes grew sad, and Aelia listened.

Aelia hugged Shadowheart tightly, glad she had made a lifelong friend on this journey. She'd never had a female friend, well, that she could remember. It was... nice.

She stared at the building where the vampire that held her heart was. And fear crippled her, she wouldn't mention anything yet, she'd wait for the right moment.

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