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"Finally speaking to each other?" Gale asked when they'd walked into the cave, and Aelia swatted at him before she walked over to an empty space to place her pack and bedroll.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed that Astarion was setting his up near hers, and not opposite like he usually did.

She tried to stop the smile spreading on her lips, and hid her face behind her hair, kneeling on the ground beside her pack.

"We need to plan what we do from here." Shadowheart said, and Aelia looked towards her, seeing her turn from her bedroll.

"We don't know who has the Sun-Walker Ring, any vampire could have it, and they're walking around in broad daylight, it could be anyone." Gale said, leaning back on his palms.

"I heard someone in the other village that it was someone who was recently turned into a vampire spawn, an older High Elf male." Aelia said, and they all looked at her.

"Did they say who or where he is?" Astarion asked, and the healer tilted her head.

"I didn't get a name, but they all seemed to say that this male lived in some manor East of Baldur's Gate. Close to, or even in, the swamps." She replied, he clenched his jaw and nodded.

"We can get there easily," Shadowheart spoke, and unfolded a map quickly, using a rock as a paperweight, "Look here."

Aelia and Astarion strolled across the cave and sat next to the map, looking at where the cleric pointed on the map.

"The swamps are too wide of an area, it would take ages to search them." Astarion whined, and Aelia held back her laugh.

"We have time." She said softly, looking at him gently, and he seemed to relax more at the reassurance in her stare.

"But we'll have to be careful, the swamps are filled with creatures we've probably never even thought to imagine." Gale said darkly, his gaze was hard.

"We'll stay vigilant." Shadowheart replied, but Aelia frowned.

"What do we do once we find the manor, who's to say this vampire spawn will be there with the ring, and how would we get it?" She asked, and they all thought about it.

"If it comes to it, we'll just kill him." Astarion shrugged, Shadowheart frowned but didn't say anything. Gale opened his mouth, but stopped.

"Sounds like a good plan." Aelia smirked at him, and Astarion grinned delightfully.

"For a healer, you're very supportive of murder." Gale spoke up, and Aelia laughed.

"If it's necessary." She shrugged, and Astarion snickered.

"You two were made for each other." Shadowheart groaned but with a grin on her face, rolling up the map and standing up. "We'll rest here for the day and then begin walking to the swamps." She then headed towards her bedroll.

Gale stood up, "Please be mindful of our hearing if you two are staying up."

Aelia practically choked on air, her face flushing deeply whilst Astarion laughed at her.

"I don't know what to say to that." Aelia stammered, standing up and walking away from the pair, hearing Astarion choking on his own laugh.

Soon, it went quiet in the cave when Gale and Shadowheart went to sleep. Daylight shone outside, and Astarion kept to the shadows.

He stared at the sun that brightened the entrance of the cave, his face envious.

She stared at him and asked quietly, "What do you plan to do when we get the ring?"

"You sound very sure that we will." He said lowly, fiddling with the sleeves on his shirt.

"You're very stubborn, I'm sure you'd get that ring just by talking the ear off of the male who has it." She smirked, and he gasped.

"Here I was thinking you enjoyed my company!" He exclaimed, placing his hand over his heart in mock offence.

Aelia pretended to think about it, humming, and Astarion lowered his head, his eyes staring into hers heavily.

She couldn't help it, "Fine, you are the second-most glorious person I've ever met, the first being Gale."

A smirk lifted in the corner of his lips, and he stepped closer to her just once.

"Allow me to change your mind." He breathed, another step closer to her.

She lifted her head adamantly, "No need."

He lifted his hand and touched the side of her neck gently, his thumb caressing her jaw. Her heartbeat quickened, and Astarion grinned like he knew it.

She looked away, but he used his thumb to lift her head up again, her gaze meeting his, it was heated, electric.

"Changed your mind?" He whispered, and Aelia didn't speak, couldn't speak.

She licked her lips nervously, and Astarion's red eyes traced the movement and his pupils dilated a little.

There was barely any space between their bodies, she could feel his hard chest, the coldness of his skin.

"Astarion." She whispered, leaning into the touch, she didn't know what she was feeling, but she liked the feeling.

"My love?"

She leaned forward slightly, and their lips ghosted across each other, she waited.

And Astarion closed the rest of the gap.

His lips molded over hers, and she tilted her head, trying to get as close to him as she possibly could. His hold on her jaw tightened, and she heard a small groan from him.

They kissed each other until Aelia needed to breathe again, and when she pulled away, she didn't leave his embrace this time. His arms held her hips gently, and his eyes remained on hers.

"You're incredible." He whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. Aelia smiled and closed her eyes.

"And you are the most glorious person I know." She replied, and Astarion grinned.

"As I should be." He huffed, and Aelia couldn't help the giggle that left her mouth. A man had never made her feel like this, it was novel.

They then slowly pulled apart, "I should probably rest." She whispered, and Astarion nodded, kissing her cheek gently before letting her walk to her bedroll.

As she lay down, she faced the cave wall and couldn't help the grin on her face. And when her eyes closed, Astarion pierced every single one of her thoughts. She then slipped into her meditation peacefully, not realising that the vampire was lying down staring at the cave's ceiling.

A small smile on his face. A feeling of peace washing over him.

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