Chapter Eleven-Party

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Zayn Malik

Great. Party tonight and I really can't be arsed. It will be fun though. Harry's parties are always fun.

I grabbed my blue knit jumper and black jeans and chucked them on quickly. I run my hand through my hair and style my quiff. I throw on my brown boots. I pick up my phone and walk to Harry's dorm.

I walk in and see Harry laying out the beer and spirits. Wow there is a lot of Vodka. He grabs red solo cups from the bag and puts them next to the alcohol.

(Song on the side is perfect!)

Some of the boys, Liam, Louis, Niall and Luke come into the dorm and sit on the beds that are pushed to the back of the room. They all individual pull out their phones and start scrolling through social media.

About an hour later the dorm is packed. There is hardly any room to move. I grab a bottle of beer from the table and see the door being opened. A brown haired girl walks in. Oh. My. God. It's Kelly. She looks so beautiful.

She notices me and walks directly to me. I pour some Cherry Sourz into a cup and hand it to her when she pushes through the crowd.

Some people may be thinking, wouldn't it be too loud and the teachers would notice. Yeah, no. They don't. This is why everyone has parties in Harry's dorm. He has recently discovered that he has in fact got soundproof walls. Also his dorm is the largest. But the soundproof walls are the main reason. The teachers never discovered this. Bunch of dickheads.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" Kelly shouts over the music.

"No. Just a nice welcoming." I laugh.

She rolls her shoulders and downs the whole bottle. Wow that girl can drink.

I pour some vodka in six shot glasses. Three for me and three for Kelly. I point to the shots and her eyes light up. She quickly downs the three shots and then my three shots.


She starts to sway a little. That's when I knew it was time to stop her.

She reaches out to grab the whole bottle of vodka, I pull her away from the alcohol and lead her to the beds at the back of the room.

She falls on the bed dragging me down with her. She pulls my face closer to hers and crashes her lips against mine.

I move my hand behind her back and sit her up. She sits on my lap and brings her lips back to mine.

The taste of alcohol is vulgar at first. Now I'm used to it. I don't care what her breath smells like. As long as she is mine.

I genuinely think I'm starting to develop feelings for her. Like real feelings. None of the shitty rule stuff. I think I might actually lo- no I don't love her. I can't. This has moved too quick. It's impossible for someone to fall in love this quick.

Anyway, even if I do love her. She won't know.

"Zayn, what's wrong? You seem a little out of it." Kelly says breaking away from the kiss.

"Nothing." She smiles and brings her lips back to mine. Once again.

Our lips move to the beat of the song. Slow, yet very passionate.

Our kiss is interrupted by someone's drink being poured on us.

I move away from Kelly and see that Perrie tipped cherry sourz on us. What the fuck?

"Why'd you do that for?" Kelly says standing up in front of Perrie.

"Excuse me bitch. I can do what I want." Perrie says pushing Kelly. Kelly stumbles back a bit, then regains her stance.

"You just tipped alcohol on us you stupid cow."

"Yeah, I kind of noticed that." She laughed. "I'm not stupid. Like you. Fat slut." Perrie says quietly hoping that no one heard.

"What did you just call me? I beat you up before and I'll do it again."

"I called you a fat slut."

The next thing I hear is a loud slap.

The room goes quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

Perrie staggers back with her hand covering the left side of her face.

I see a tear escape her eye. She pushes her self back up and goes to throw a punch at Kelly. Kelly thankfully dodges it and grabs Perrie's arm and twists it behind her back.

"Say sorry." Kelly whispers loudly in Perrie's ear.

"No." Perrie says gritting her teeth.

"Say it bitch." Kelly say twisting it more.

"Ouch. Sorry. I'm sorry." Perrie says giving up.

"That's better." A smile lights up on Kelly's face as she knows she's won.

Perrie turns back around to face Kelly. Kelly raises her arm and punches Perrie in the jaw. Perrie falls over and breaks her shoe heel.

She immediately starts crying. I've never seen Perrie cry.

I grab Kelly and pull her outside and then into my room.

She walks in and falls on Louis bed. I pick her up and place her on my bed. She sits their for 5 minutes before she gets up and looks through my wardrobe. She pulls out a t-shirt and throws it on my bed.

She pulls the straps down on her dress then tries to reach the zipper on the back.

"Zayn, do this for me." She says dragging out the 'e'.

I stand behind her and she pulls her hair to the side. I pull the zip down.

Her neck tilts to the side that she put her hair on. My head dips down to her neck. I slowly kiss down her neck as she lets out a small moan. Found her sweet spot.

She turns to me and pokes me in the stomach.

"Ouch, that tickled." I laugh.

She pulls her dress off revealing her bra and matching underwear. She then slides my shirt over her body and falls into my bed. I remove my jumper, boots and jeans. I throw them in the laundry basket then climb in next to Kelly.

She turns to face me and mumbles something on the line of...


"I love you."


Okay so yeah. I know they've moved quite quick but the original plan for this story was around 30 chapters. I wanted this to be a short story.

Also I am very sorry if there is any typos. I am writing this on my phone.

I hope you like this a lot. I have spent so long writing this.

-Abby x

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