Thank You!

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I just want to say a quick thank you in general. I know this book hasn't been as successful as 'Stripper' has but I'm happy that this has got a little recognition. Thank you all for reading this and starying with me. For those who have read 'Stripper', thank you for being here from the start. You're amazing. Every single one of you. 

Thank you for the rollercoaster ride of writing this book. There has been so many ups and downs while writing. I have experienced a lot in this year and a lot of personal problems. I want to say thank you for always being there. My inbox is open if you want to talk. 

If you have experienced anything in this book, or the one previous, please don't hesitate to message me because I would be more than happy to help you in any way possible. 

I want to say thank you to my friend @SophieAnnEvans for giving me inspiration to write this book. She shown me a picture (shown in beginning of the book) which gave me the idea to write this book. 

This book ended up writing itself. I didn't know what was going to happen past chapter 1.

Like I said, I just want to say a quick thank you to these amazing people. 

Now that this book is finished, I will not be posting anymore books for a while. I have so many plans for books and they're not being put in place. So once I have one book finished that's when it will be published. I have two ideas in my head for what I want the next book to me. I don't know whether to carry on with the 'One Direction' theme or break away, momentarily, and go towards '5 Seconds of Summer'. I am going to give you the title and who the books about.

Snapchat - Liam Payne

Omegle - Michael Clifford. 

Both are going to be very different from what I have previously wrote. I'm sure you will be shocked.

Now, it's time for me to say goodbye. Only for a bit because I will be back. I promise. Not sure if anyone wants me back. 

Next time I see you, I hope this book gets some recognition because I genuinely love it. 

Goodbye, for now.

Thank you all so much. I love you! 

-Abby xx

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