Chapter One- Screaming Bad Boy

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I absolutely hate airplanes. I can't believe my dad would actually send me to England. One good thing that my dad has done in this past week is let Sarah come with me. We both looked at the website for Clarkson Boarding School and it looks like it was built in the 19th century. Another thing, it rains almost all year. Over 200 days a year it rains In Bradford. Why couldn't I have gone to a boarding school in London. I hear they have some cute guys in London.

My dad insists on coming with Sarah and I, so he wont be far behind when trouble is around. That's what he said to me. So here we are on a plane to Bradford with one hour to go. Yay.

My dad drives Sarah and I to the school.  We pull up at this ugly school and we are met by the Headmistress;  Mrs Addams. 

"Good morning. You must me Kelly and Sarah. Our new students. Come, we shall talk about your future school life." Mrs Addams says cheerfully.

"Bye dad. I love you." I say hugging my dad. Who I will most probably not see for a while.

"Bye Kelly-Welly. See you soon. I love you too." He says using my nickname from when I was a child.

Sarah and I walk to the headmistress' room. On our way, we see a group of boys with some girls clinging on to them. Wow, I would never be like that. I study one boy's face. He has black hair, styled into a quiff. He is tanned and has a lot of tattoos. His cheek bones are defined. He looks like a sēx god.

I'm really going to enjoy my stay here.

The tanned boy stares at me intensely, like he is trying to figure something out. He looks almost mysterious. He has a cigarette hanging from his lips. He screams out bad boy.

My study Is interrupted by a girl my age.

"Hi, my name Is Clary. From the way that you were looking at Zayn, I can tell that you are mesmerized. I would get to involved in him. He is one big player. He likes to-uh- play the field." Clary says to me.

"Who is this Zayn dude?" I ask confused.

"The guy you have been staring at for quite a while."

"Oh wonder boy?" I say before pausing. "Clary, this is my best friend Sarah. She is very shy."

Clary holds her hand out to shake Sarah's but Sarah declines politely.

"Clary, can you show us to the Head's office."

"Yeah sure. Call me Clar."

Zayn's POV

School is back for another couple months. Fūcking amazing. My mum drops me off outside the school and drives away instantly. I walk over to meet Louis, Niall, Liam and Harry.

"Hey boys." I shout pulling them in for a man-hug.

"Mate. Have you seen Perrie yet?" Louis says talking about my fuck buddy.

"No, I just got here. Dickhead." I say slapping him around the head. I pull out a cigarette and bring it to my mouth, before lighting it.

Louis starts talking about Perrie but I don't hear a word. My mind is focused on the new chick walking past. She has long brown hair and is dressed in a greed 'NERD' tee with black shirts and black boots. She wears a pair of nerd glasses, obviously not prescribed. I can't stop looking at her, the looks of her, she can't either.

She walks away with Clary next to her side. Clary fūcks everything up. She is only jealous because I didn't fūck her. She was begging for it.

The bell rings, signalling that we should be going to our dorms now. I think the way they set the school up is stupid. Boys on one side, girls on the other.

I share a dorm with Louis. He always manages to sneak in alcohol.

Maybe this term won't be as bad as the last.


Hope you like the official first chapter of The Love Game. Kelly and Zayn wont properly meet until next chapter or after that. I haven't been asleep. It took me over a hour to write this. I hope you will like this story.

I am not copying of anyone or basing the story of Wild Child, though there will be touches of that film. I love the film, gimme a break.

I will have a schedule for this book. I will update twice a week- Monday and Friday- if I have any problem updating on those days then I will update the day after. The schedule will start next Monday.

It is about 6am and I am going to get ready for school. Why?

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150 days till I see One Direction

30 days till OTRAT starts

(Not sure if the dates are correct. I am on my mums phone, I havent got my laptop.)



P.s. Kelly Brown will be played by Ariel Winter because she is amazing.

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