Chapter Twenty Six - "What the F**k?"

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My dad came home to the sight of me being suffocated by Zayn, Harry and Niall. He threw a blanket at us. Right in my face. Bastard. I truly love my dad for calling Zayn. He is what I need right now, especially at this time.

I squeeze out of the dog pile and I think I've broke at least my wrist and ankle. My leg is still trapped between Harry's thigh and Zayn's head. Fat head. 

I hear the shower turn on upstairs. I'm guessing Milli is awake or my dad is home.

"Dad? Milli? Help me?" I call out making sure I'm not too loud to wake up the guys.

I hear Milli's feet slam against the floor. "Coming."

She eventually manuvers Harry's thigh so my leg can escape. I jump up and run upstairs to the shower and strip quickly, locking the door.

"Kelly you bitch, get out." I hear Milli scream whilst banging on the door.

"Sorry Mills, early bird gets the worm." I chuckle.


After I showered, I dried my hair and put the tiniest bit of makeup. I left my hair natural not bothering to straighten it, not that it needs to be straightened.

I throw on a white top with black skinny jeans. I sit at the edge of my bed. Do I really want to do this now? Right this minute? I need to process everything before I make this legitimate. 

I have processed everything. It's been around a month. He needs to go down for what he has done.

I put my trainers on slowly, trying to delay going to the police station as much as I can. I grab some oversised sunglasses as it is a rare occasion where it is actually sunny.

I grab my bag and keys to begin the walk to the police station.


"Hi, excuse me where do I go to report a crime?" I say nervously to the front desk.

The police woman looks up and grabs some paperwork from a file cabinet behind her.

"Here, what is the problem? Someone stole your £100 purse? Noise complaint?" She laughs.

How can someone be so rude? Who does she think she is? This is fucking serious.

"No, I want to report a rape actually." Her face drops.

She starts fumbling around with paperwork. "Oh, I'm sorry. We don't get too many serious crimes around here. I'm going to take you into an interview room where a police officer will ask you some questions." She says grabing pieces of paper and a pen.

"Roberts, we have a woman who has reported a rape. Come down to room 12." I hear her speak into her radio. "Yeah she's a looker - They're huge - 5"1 maybe 5"2." She laughs.

Are you fucking serious?

I'm taken into room 12 and I sit at the desk to wait for 'Roberts'.

A very large, broad, muscled man walks in. I'm guessing this is Roberts.

"Hello love, my name is Jack Roberts, you can call me Jack if you feel comfortable." Jack says holding a large hand out for me to shake.

"Noelle, the woman at the desk, tells me that you have a crime to report. A serious crime might I add. I'm just going to ask you a few questions, if they get too much let me know and we will stop." I nod.

"Please state your full name, age, date of birth and country of birth." 

"Kelly Brown, 17, January 28th 2000, America, Florida."

"Can you tell me where the incident happened?" 

"Clarkson Boarding School." 

"What date did it happen?" 

"March 16th."

"Who raped you?" 

"The soccer coach at Clarkson, Troy Bolton." I feel tears build up from my tear ducts.

"I know Troy, he would never do something like this." Jack says looking up from the table.

"He has done it before. Why would I lie about something like this?" I say feeling tears roll down my face.

"I don't know, maybe you're seeking attention. Girls always lie about things like this. Gold diggers." He says throwing the paperwork in the bin. "Get out." 

"What the fuck? You're seriously messed up. I'm reporting a crime. A rape for God sake. Why are you not logging it?" I shout outraged.

"Troy would never do something like that. I know it. You're wasting my time and the police's time. Go home little girl. There is no evidence to prove anything you're saying so you may aswell stop wasting your time and go home like a good little girl." He says opening the door.

I walk down the coridoor to walk out and hear footsteps behind me. 

"I will always win." I hear a mencacing voice. 

"Bolton?" I say turning around.

"Got it. Let me remind you, 'I came to win, I will do my best and regardless of the end result, I will always win'. No matter what you do or say, nobody will believe you." He whispers in my ear.

I wriggle out of his grasp and run out of the police station crying. They are seriously fucked up. I run home and slam the door behind me, waking everybody up.

"Shit. Kelly what's wrong?" Zayn panics running over to me. "Calm down. Tell me what's wrong." He says placing his hands over my shoulders. I flinch away from him.

"I-it's B-B-Bolton." I stammer.

"What about that bastard? What did he do Kell?" Zayn says loosing all patience.

"H-he was at the p-police sta-tion." 

"You went to the police?" 

"They d-didn't fucking help. T-they told me I was a g-gold digger a-and that I'm attention seeking. They threw all the p-paperwork out and said that it, that it was my fault and I wasted their t-time." I say before bursting out in tears. 

"What the actual fuck? Are they kidding? They're mean't to be protecting us, not telling you that you're wasting their time." Harry says running an aggrivated hand through his hair. 

"The police officer said he knew Bolton." 

"Fucking bastard." They all say in unison.

"Get my dad, he knows someone that can reveal all this bullshit and get him done." 

"Mr. Brown!" Niall shouts running upstairs.

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