Chapter 30 - Epilogue

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*15 years on*

"Kell, come here? Eli's shat himself again. It stinks." I hear my husband shout from Elijah's bedroom.

"Coming." I shout quickly folding up the last item of clothing.

I stumble upstairs and walk into Elijah's bedroom. I open the door and see my 2-year-old running around naked.

"Eli, come here." I laugh, picking him up and placing him on my hip. I kiss Liam on the cheek and he walks downstairs or falling from what I heard.

I clean up Elijah and take him into the bathroom. I run the bath and place him in the tub.

Elijah looks so much like Liam it's crazy. They share the same features, same eye colour. The only thing Elijah received from me is my nose. Thanks Liam.

The bathroom door opens and I see my 15-year-old, Ameera, walk in.

"You alright Mi?" I say washing Elijah's hair. "How was school?"

"Shit, as usual-"


"Rubbish." She corrects herself. "The lessons dragged, the only good bit was lunch."

I laugh. "Is your dad coming to pick you up? It's his weekend."

"Yeah he's coming now, he said he's just left." She says looking in the mirror.

You can tell she is Zayn's daughter. She has his dark hair and dark features. She's beautiful.

"I'm going to get dressed and pack my bag." I nod and take Elijah out of the bath. I wrap a towel around his naked body and take him into his room. I put some clothes on and take him downstairs to have something to eat.

I walk into the kitchen seeing Liam and Zayn 'bro-hugging'.

"You alright mate? It's been a while." Zayn laughs. "You alright Kell?"

I nod and place Elijah in his chair. I walk over to the fridge and put some milk in a plastic cup. I hand Elijah the cup and he slowly drinks it.

"How's Eli been? He's starting to look like you Kell." Zayn points out. "They're all growing up too quick. Rose has shot up, she's looking more and more like Perrie everyday. I hope Rose doesn't turn out like her mother does. Bitch." We all laugh. "I'm kidding, Perrie's been amazing. Such a change from when we were in school."

"Yeah, do you remember the fight Kelly and Perrie had? It's weird to see that you're friends now." Liam laughs holding a bottle of beer. "Want one Z?"

"Nah, I'm driving." Zayn says laughing.

"If you say so."

15 years ago, I would've still been with Zayn. 15 years ago, I was pregnant with Ameera. It's mad how everything has changed.

I can't believe how everything turned out. 15 years ago I genuinely thought I would still be with Zayn now. We argued a lot when Ameera 5. We both decided it was for the best if we split up. Zayn wasn't in a good place then so we both decided that I would have custody of Ameera. Zayn would see her whenever he wanted.

When Ameera was 7, we bumped into Liam in the shop. Liam and I started speaking to each other. Then we thought that Ameera should meet Liam. She didn't understand fully, but she was okay with it.

Whe Ameera was 10, my dad died. He had Leukemia. They diagnosed him too late. He died after 3 months of Chemotherapy. We had a small funeral, Milli and I attended. Some friend's and family. Kelcie still didn't believe that he was dead. No one could. He was such an amazing human being.

When Ameera was 11, I went back to school to try and get the grades I need. I went to Uni to get the right degree. Thank God my dad had connections before he died. Without those, I would be homeless. I still needed to do a lot of work to work at a bank. It all worked out after.

When Ameera was 13, Liam proposed to me. We got married shortly after. The ceremony was beautiful. Everyone attended. Milli, Zayn, Perrie, Clary, Louis, Niall, Harry and Sarah. Each of their kids and significant others also attended.

Just after the wedding, I found out I was pregnant with Elijah. We were overjoyed. Liam didn't stop smiling for weeks. It was such an amazing moment. Ameera was so happy that she was going to have a little brother.

Last year, Liam, the kids and I attened another wedding. Niall and Harry's. They were engaged just after we finished school. They had a huge wedding and everything looked so beautiful. Harry proposed and we got Louis to video the engagement. It made everyone cry.

"Mum, I'm going now. See you Sunday." Ameera says holding her bag and laptop case.

"Alright babe, have fun. Tell Maddie I said hi." Maddie is Ameena's girlfriend. They're only able to see each other every weekend due to the fact that Zayn lives in Bradford - still - and I live in London. They're so adorable together.

Zayn carries Ameera's bags to the car. I kiss her on the head and she walks into Zayn's car. The music starts blasting from the car. My baby's ears. Bless her.

I shut the door and walk back into the kitchen.

I see Liam cradling Elijah in his arms. I hear soft snores come from Elijah's mouth.

"I'm going to put him in his bed." Liam says quietly.

I walk upstairs behind him. I lean against Elijah's door, watching the Liam interact with Elijah.

Liam walks out, quietly shutting the door. Liam walks into our room, I walk in behind him, shutting the door. I lay on the bed, grabbing my phone from the bedside table.

"You know, we have the house to ourselves. Mira is out, Eli's alseep." Liam says laying down next to me.

"That's nice." I say scrolling throught facebook.

"Babe, we haven't had sex in weeks. You're giving me blue balls." Liam moans into my ear.

I put my phone down and climb onto his lap. I place my legs on either side of Liam's lap. I press my lips against his, rocking my hips with each kiss. His arms wander along my sides and up my back. I lifts my shirt above my head, momentarily breaking the kiss.

He pulls my face closer to his. He leans closer presses his lips to mine once again. He starts kissing down my neck, along my collarbones and over my chest.

His hands reach around to my back, playing with my bra strap. He unclips the hook and pulls my bra off my shoulders.

A loud shriek comes from the baby moniter. Liam let's out a loud groan.

"Fucking kids." He groans.

"I know." I sigh putting my shirt on climbing off the bed.

"I love you." Liam calls out from the bed.

"I love you Li."

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