Chapter Twenty One - Therapy

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Liam Payne

What happened to Kelly? She's messed up. This isn't right. She's always happy. I make the short walk to Zayn's dorm and walk in. I see Zayn led on the bed half asleep. 

"Zayn, mate. Come to my dorm, Kelly wants to see you." I say shaking him awake. 

"Why is she in your room?" he says through gritted teeth.

"Dude, chill, Sarah kicked her out so she come to my dorm. She says that she wants to see you so I thought that you should come."

He runs out of his dorm and straight to mine. I catch up to him and he slams the door in my face. 

Zayn Malik

As soon as I hear the news that Kelly wants me I run for the door. My baby wants me. I run into the room and shut the door behind me. 

I see Kelly on the edge of Liam's bed and she's in tears. I sit next to her and say nothing. I decide that would be the best thing to do. I wrap my arms around her and she flinches but slowly relaxes into it. She starts to sob on my shirt. 

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I say quietly. 

"Sarah kicked me out and said I should see the guidance counsellor. She said that I need to go to therapy." She looks up. "I'm not really that fucked up am I?" 

"No, Kell. Babe, you're not fucked up. I think she's trying to say that you need guidance to help you through whatever you're going through." 

"What if she can't help though?" 

"You wont know unless you don't try." 

"You're right. I'll book an appointment with her now." 

She reaches for the laptop and opens it onto the school's webpage. She then goes to the guidance counsellor's part and apply's for an appointment. She then gets an email to confirm that her appointment is tomorrow. I really hope she get's through whatever this is. She's broken and I don't know how to fix her. 

Kelly Brown

I've officially applied to see the guidance counsellor. I really don't know what i'm going to say to her. It's not like I can tell her what really happened. I'd get into trouble. 

My appointment is tomorrow at 9 in the morning. That's way too early to be speaking about my emotions. Great one! 


Today has been aweful! I'm just glad that Zayn is here by my side. I'm so grateful that he is supporting me. He keeps hinting at me to tell him what happened. I just can't say anything. I'd feel even more dirty than I already do. I can't bring it up again. Clary already knows what happened. She promised to not say a word as long as it was sorted out by the end of the term.

Thank God she was there. I don't know what I would do without her. She is my rock at this point. I'm glad I have a friend other than Sarah. I don't know who i would rely on. 



I wake up in Zayn's bed. How did I get here? Zayn must've carried me back. He's asleep next to Louis. Cuties. I look at the time on my phone and see that it's half 8. Uhh, i've got half hour to get ready and grab some food. I grab the minimal makeup in my bag and slap it on my face. When I say slap, i mean slap. Fucking hurt. I run some product through my eyebrows and quickly apply some mascara. 

I rummage through the handful of clothes that i managed to get hold of and picked out a pair of leggings and a baggy jumper, not planning on impressing no one so i might as well dress like the mess that i am.

I run out of the room and jog to the canteen. I look at the time on my watch once more and see that it's quarter to 9. I run to the line and grab a bagel and a milkshake. I start munching on the bagel walking to Mrs Rowens office. I chuck half of it in the bin, loosing my appetite halfway to the office. I then chug the remains of the milkshake and throw it in the bin. I check the time to make sure i'm not too early. 8:55. Thank God for that. I knock on the door and Mrs Rowens appears 

"Hello Kelly. How are you today?" She says inviting me into the office.

The office is  a bit minimalist and very plain. The room is covered in khaki and beige. Very relaxing colours. In the corner there is a Buddha statue, i'm guessing to help relax and to symbolise his meditation techniques. Kinda does work. 

"So, Ms Brown would you like to explain why you chose to speak to me?" Mrs Rowens asks cautiously.

I shake my head.

"Okay, I'll give you a run down of what happens at these sessions. You'll have seven sessions, one a week if you choose more we can negotiate, we will work a schedule that fits both of us and each session will be one hour. Anything you say will stay between us unless you tell me something that concerns me of your health. Do you understand?" She says softly.



Thank you for reading! Means a lot to me. 

This isn't entirely 1000 words, but i felt that it would be better if i ended it there instead of drag on the session.

Thank you all for reading! I love you guys so much!

All the love,

-Abby x

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