A new start

43 0 9

"This is in thoughts"

Minho POV:
I walk into the class to introduce myself and while I was doing so two faces stood out to me; Felixs and a stranger in a yellow hoodie giving me dirty looks.
-"And thats my introduction." I walk to the empty seat next to Felix and sit down to listen to the teachers lesson.

A few minutes later

I'm half asleep when Felix taps my left shoulder
-"The rich kid Jisung is eyeing you, it only means trouble.." I turn around and see the dude in the yellow hoodie staring at me. I hear the bell ring and I pack up my stuff to walk to lunch.

At lunch

I sit and draw and talk with Felix when I hear laughter at the table behind me, I turn around to see..him again "not him again.." I sigh to myself as I continue drawing and talking with Felix.
-"Hey prettyboy!" I roll my eyes and ignore them "can't i just have peace god fucking damn it.." the yellow hoodie dude slams his fist in the table and the whole cafeteria goes silent

-"I said..Hey prettyboy." Felix looks at me, a slight fear in his eyes and I look up at the yellow hoodie dude

-"What the fuck do you want huh? I've gotten dirty looks from you all morning, what's your problem?"

-"Wow..feisty" He laughs and looks at his friends that both seem very well-built and one that has long black hair that is staring at Felix.

I roll my eyes at his try to ''flirt" with me, I didn't even know how or if he figured that I was gay..

-"If you dont have anything else to say, leave me and my friend alone." The yellow hoodie guy drags me up from my seat, making me drop my pen

-"YAH! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" The whole cafeterias eyes were on us, and I could tell that he was enjoying it

-"My name is Han Jisung, but you can call me whatever you'd like" He chuckles at me and winks
-"Okay Mr. big dick, let go of me unless you want me to ruin that face more than it already is, okay?" Jisung stopped his cocky smile and grabbed my leather jacket tighter
-"Trust me, you do not want to be my enemy. So I suggest to do like everyone else and obey me." I glance at Felix thats nervously fiddling with his shirt and I sigh, not wanting to get in trouble on the first day. He notices I'm not resisting anymore and chuckles as he lets me go.

-"I just want to be your friend, Minho"
-"Friends are useless, they make you waste your time and then they leave you with nothing but depression."
Jisungs eyes widen and he looks at the three guys behind him
-"I see..so why is Felix your friend then hm?"
-"He is the only acceptable person here."
Jisung scoffs and pushes me a bit, making me stumble but Felix quickly stops me from falling
-"C'mon..let me be your friend..or even better.." He puts his hand on my shoulder and leans to whisper in my ear
-"Or we could be..boyfriends" I push him away from me, surprised he even said that to a stranger
-"No.I don't date." I answer in a cold stern tone
-"Now go away, you're annoying me." Jisung sits down beside me and gestures for his friends to do the same. "god why are they like this?"
-"Are you always like this, annoying new students in this school?" He smiles sarcastically at me and nod
-"Of course! Equal treatment, you know" He laughs and I glance at Felix thats being almost crushed between the longhaired guy and the short muscly dude
-"Hey, leave him alone." I stand up when they ignore my words and I drag them both so they fall backwards
-"YAH! how dare you!" The short muscly dude charges at me and punches me in my stomach. I cough and flak to the floor and Felix gets down to help me
-"Are you okay Minho?!" He helps me up while deathglaring the muscly dude
-"Control your fucking servants, Jisung." I mumble as I recover from the strong stomach punch.

I hear the bell ring and me and Felix walk to class with the gang following us while whispering and giving us looks. I sit down in class, very annoyed at Jisung and the guy thats apparently name Changbin. I listen to the teacher talk barely being able to hold my eyes open as she babbles on about atoms or some shit like that

A few hours later..

-"Minho!" I wake up and see Felix beside me, looking anxiously at me
-"What is it Lix?"
-"The gang is outside waiting for us..I dont wanna meet Jisung..he is scary" He looks down at the floor, he looks like he is about to cry.
-"I know, but we just have ignore them, okay?" Felix nods and smiles softly at me, I was grateful for having him in my life..he was like my brother. We walk out of the class togheter and immedeatly I feel a pair of hands pinning me to the wall
-"YAH! Wasn't today enough? Leave us alone."
-"But you're too pretty for me to leave you alone" He looks me in my eyes and looks me up and down
-"I need to help walk Felix home, so get the fuck off me." Jisung sighs and unwillingly lets go of me. I smile sarcastically at him and turn around to walk Felix home, I take out a cigarette from my pocket and light it.
-"You kn-"
-"I know you don't like it, and I don't really give a fuck right now." Felix stays silent the whole way to his house and I say goodbye to him and start to walk to the dorms that wasn't that far from his house nor the school.

After awhile of walking I enter the dorm building and see Jisung alone. "Don't notice me, don't notice me, don't-"
-"Oh hello, you live here too?"
-"Yeah I live here, what do you have a problem with it?"
-"Jeez, don't be so cold all the time." Jisung scoffs and takes a sip of some energy drink
-"..You smell of smoke."
-"Yeah, no shit"

men I sigh and I walk up the stairs to my dorm "He really isn't the smartest person to exist.." I walk up the stairs and hear Jisung shout
-"GOODNIGHT PRETTYBOY!" I roll my eyes and approach my dorm and unlock the door. "This was a hell of a day. Literally." I walk to the kitchen to make some noodles for myself and I eat them while watching a horror movie. "Don't let that guy Jisung disturb me again..please.." I think to myself as I slowly fall asleep to the horror movie.

1157 words

Hello! I spent a few hours thinking if Minho would have a friend or not, but i guess he now has XD I hope you enjoy the first chapter<3 Love yall<3

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