Day 29

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Minho POV

I wake up next to Jisung thats spooning me, did we..I recollect my thoughts from yesterday and realised..yes we did. I seemed to have woken up Jisung by my sitting up "Goodmorning, Minho" He groans, his voice was deep and i could almost admit, sexy sounding. "Goodmorning, Hyung.." He groans again "You're so fucking hot when you call me that." I chuckle lightly but grimace as soon as i try to move out of bed. Jisung quickly sits up "Did i hurt you yesterday?" I shake my head no "No! I can obviously walk."

I stand up and stumble around before sitting on the floor again. "I cAn obViously wAlk" He mocks me and smiles his stupidly cute squirrel smile. I roll my eyes and crawl back to bed "Fuck you.." I mumble "Watch your mouth, bunny."  I blush at the nickname and start to fidget with the blanket.

He gets out of bed and walks to the kitchen "Wait here, Ill go buy breakfast" He smiles as he starts to put on his shoes. I do a small wave and lie back down. As he leaves i get a textmesssage, its from my dad..AGAIN. I sigh loudly as press on the call button.

Jisung POV

I walk out of my dorm and i see that its cloudy. "Its so pretty..maybe itll even rain.." I stop to take a picture as i hear a group chatting way too loudly in the hall "I heard this boy named Lee Minho is a real playboy! Rumor goes: He loves sleeping around and breaking hearts, and he is REALLY rich with only a dad cause he KILLED his mom." I stop and my eyes widen. He killed his mom..? I feel tears building up. So he is just using me for dick? Im just a one night stand..?

I feel anger rise up in me and i walk to an open cafe to order breakfast for the two of us. "Yeah, ill have one spicy tteokbokki, one fried rice and two iced americanos" I finish ordering, despite being an anxious and angry ball of hate.

The cashier mustve noticed that i was anxious cause she slipped a cupcake to me whispering "Its on me" and smiled softly. I walk to wait for my order as i start to think again. So he killed his mom, uses me for sex and is good at fighting.. i sigh deep in thought as i hear the lady call out my order. I take the order and thank her and start to walk towards the dorm. The killing  his mother thing, could be accidentally or just a rumor..but the sex thing, he would be one of those..people..those whores.

Minho POV

"Yes father..?"
"Have you caught the spy yet?"
I sigh, was that the only thing he cared about?
"No, unlike you i have a social and sex life." He chuckles over the phone
"Just remember, you NEED to catch the spy..they are very dangerous and powerful if they get ANY info for his group."
"Jesus christ, are you so scared you dont even wanna say their name?" I chuckle lowly as i mock him

"You shouldnt laugh at that, Minho. Stray kids are very dangerous, okay? I have to go now, bye." I sigh once again as i hang up. Right as i hang up, i hear Jisung enter the apartment "Hello hyung!" He comes into the bedroom with a neutral face. "Is something wrong?" I ask, croaking an eyebrow. He shakes his head "No." He replies in a scarily cold tone. Did i do something? I try to ignore the thoughts flooding my mind as i eat the tteokbokki "This is really good!" I smile at him, but he doesnt even meet my eyecontact.

"As soon as youre finished eating, get out." I choke on a rice cake "Wha-" "I dont wanna see you near me, okay?!" He cuts me off with an aggressive tone. I slowly nod as i continue to eat. He "helps" me stand up, that asshole didnt even hold around my waist so if i fell he would catch me. We reach my apartment and i dont even get to say a word before he leaves. "What did i do..?" ''GET OUT! MAYBE I WOULDVE LIKED YOU IF YOU WERENT SO FUCKING COLD TO ME ALL THE TIME!'' I was speehless. ''MAYBE I WOULD LIKE YOU IF YOU WERENT SO DAMN POSITIVE ALL THE TIME!'' ''NO. YOU DONT GET TO SAY ANYTHING! I SAVED YOU FROM THOSE GUYS THAT ALMOST RAPED YOU AND I HELPED YOU BEAT THEM UP ASWELL!'' It hurt. I finish eating in silence and quickly get out of his dorm, running to my own dorm.

I start to break down on the floor in the living room, i felt useless and unloved...just like all those years ago..I shake my head "No, itll definetely pass. He is just in a bad mood.." I stumble to the couch where i start to watch some shitty drama, trying to forget about Jisungs aggressive behaviour.


HELLOOO IM BACK<33 (kinda) I wrote this in the middle of the night with TASTE blasting into my headphones, my roommates asleep and im very sleep deprived XD anyway, i havent had much motivation so i hope this makes up for it, im so sorry yall..the next chapter is an angsty one..

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