Bets and possible crushes

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Jisung POV

"Let's do it then." I smile at Minho as he blinks four times, confused. It seemed to be a habit for him that he did often. "Do what?" He replies, still not getting it "The bet. If you think I can't seduce you in a month then let's do a bet?"

Minho looks surprised at me, shocked that I even suggested it. "I didn't mean it literally- You know what? Game on then, BUT if I win, then you will forever leave me alone okay?" I smirk at him, this was gonna be fun. "What do I get if I win then, hm?" He rolls his eyes at me and sighs "I guess we'" His tone sounded disgusted by even the word "date" but I loved teasing the brunette boy, he was so cute when he gets annoyed. "I have a few rules I want you to follow though, just to make it easier for me" I smile at him, knowing he wouldn't like it one bit. "I want you to call me 'Hyung', and we have to hangout everyday of the month. Got it?" He sighs and nods slowly "Okay you can go home now, bye Minho!" I hear him mumble something under his breath, probably a swear word.

I walk to the dorms, smiling to myself and as im deep in my thoughts I get hit by something in the back of my head "Yah! who-" I see Hyunjin behind me, and I look down to see an apple below my feet. "Haha, very funny." I laugh sarcastically at him as he walks closer to me. "I heard what you and Minho were talking about, this will be interesting.." Hyunjin smiles at me, like he has a plan aswell "If you're trying to go for that Felix guy, I'd suggest you don't do what you usually do, he seems too innocent and not like he would fuck around like you" I say, just trying to warn him cause Felix seemed like a great guy, just not a kind of guy that would be considered a slut like Hyunjin.

"Yes, I know. He looks so cute though..he would even cuter unde-" "OKAY, enough simping for that guy Hyunjin. I don't want to hear your fantasies." I punch his shoulder as we walk towards Chans dorm. "But what about your..other crush that's also having an eye on Felix hm?" Hyunjin freezes in his step. I knew I hit a sensitive nerv whenever I talked like this about his crushes. "Don't talk about Changbin, we aren't fucking around anymore, atleast not him. And Felix will be mine, I swear of it." I shrug and pat him on the back, "Whatever you say.." I walk to Chan's dorm and knocks three times, Chan was very cautious when it came to smoking or drinking in the dorms so he made us a knock-code to use whenever we visited.

He opens the door and we enter, the first thing I see is Changbin grinding some weed on the sofa table. "Changbin, if you're gonna even try to pull a bitch, you might aswell stop smoking that." Hyunjin says in a very salty tone. I go to the kitchen to get some alcohol and glasses from the cupboard "Yall want some?" I shout from the kitchen and gets the same shouts back "YES!" "Jesus christ, they could have said it a little less loud, unless they want the whole fucking school here."

I sit on the couch beside Hyunjin and open the bottle to take a sip of it. "Jisung-hyung, how come you just want Minho and dont want to fuck around like Changbin?" Chan says as he is taking a sip from the alcohol "Yah! I don't do that anymore and you fucking know that." Changbin kicks Chans shin, making him swear. "I just want to prove a point to Minho, nothing else. I'll date him for a few weeks and then I'll move on to some other guy." I chuckle as I take a sip. "I can't be drunk today guys, I have some training to do with you-know-who." The boys sigh loudly "You're so boring, Jisung." Changbin says as he lights the weed and takes a puff. "You know he doesn't like us being drunk while we work." I say as I'm putting on my jacket to leave.

I say goodbye to the boys and then wait until I see a black car coming towards me. "Get in." The driver says sternly towards me. I nod and get in the backseat and he drives away.

Minhos POV

I'm screaming in my pillow, why did I accept the fucking bet?! Now I have to hangout with that piece of shit for atleast A MONTH! I'm laying in my bed regretting my life choices when I get a phone call, It's from my dad.
[Hello, Dad]
(Son I need you to be extra caucious in that school, a few "birds" told me that there are some..racoons in that school, if you know what I mean.)
[What?! Here, in this school?]
(Yes, So please train alot and be caucious okay?)
[Yes father.]
I hang up. Great, another problem to be aware of. First Jisung and now this? I sigh and throw my phone, making it land below my feet on the bed. I hated being trained to kill, I wanted to run away from this life completely. I sigh and crawl under my blanket to get some sleep before I have to hangout with that bitchboy Jisung.

In the morning

Felix POV
I wake up by a notification on my phone, could it be Minho scolding me for not coming to school yesterday? I pickup my phone and it's from an unknown number.

[Hello! it's Hyunjin, Jisungs friend. I was wondering if we could go out for coffee someday?]

Was he asking me on a date?? I've never been on one..I put my phone down to get ready for school, and I walk out from my apartment and walk to school where I see Minho with- Jisung? I thought that Minho would've gotten rid of him..I walk up to Minho "Hello Minho, why is Jisung still here?" He looks at me and then glances at Jisung, he seems very annoyed with what he is about to say "Well I accidentally made a bet.." I raise an eyebrow, "What kind of bet?" Minho sighs and Jisung interrupts "The bet is that if i can't seduce Minho within one month starting from 1st November to 1st December I will leave both of you alone. But if i win.." Jisung gets closer to Minho, almost as if he would kiss Minhos cheek. Minho made a bet? That's not like him. "Minho were you hig-" Minho gives me a 'dont-you-dare-finish-that-sentence' stare and I stop the sentence.

 I feel a hand on my waist and it turns me around, it's Hyunjin. "Hello prettyboy~ Did you see my text?" He smiles at me, it seems genuine..I blush and look down at my feet, his hand is still on my waist. "I'm gonna answer it after school.." I look up to see the short guy named Changbin death glaring at Hyunjin and I quickly step away from Hyunjins grasp. Hyunjin seems dissapointed that I stepped away but didn't try to pull me against him again. I talk with Minho while walking to class. The others just follow us like we were mom ducks and they were ducklings, it was annoying Minho alot but I thought it was slightly cute how Hyunjin and Changbin followed me like two ducklings.

We enter class and Hyunjin pulls me to sit with him while Jisung sits beside Minho, that's obviously looking like he wants to kill Jisung at this point. And the month haven't even started yet. I try to focus on the teacher but I can't help to glance at Hyunjin every now and then. He was so pretty..He had long black hair in a ponytail and black and red clothing with leather pants that ouining his thighs and ass perfectly.. {tap tap} "Huh?" I get out of my trance and see Hyunjin tapped on my head with a pencil "Take a picture, it'll last longer" He smiles and winks "O-Oh..sorry" I nervously laugh and continue to take notes, was I falling for him? No..was I?

1404 words

Hello! So I wont be able to write that much on weekdays since im busy so im releasing maybe this chapter on Sunday, we will see ;) Goodbye for now!

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