Day 20

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Minho POV

I hadn't gone to my dorm in a week, I was honestly too lazy to walk up all those stairs everyday. I stayed in Jisungs dorm, not becasue I liked him but because I'm a lazy fuck. The following day after the amusement park ''date'' I woke with Jisungs coat on and a blanket on me, It was pretty thoughtful of him.. I walk to the kitchen to make some coffee for the both of us, and as I'm making the coffee I feel a warm feeling inside me. What was this feeling? I try to ignore it, but I cant stop thinking of that warm feeling. I place the coffee cups on the table and I see Jisung come out of his bedroom shirtless. I felt my heart start beat faster and I stand there trying not to stare on his beatiful body. He had his bleaced hair half-slicked back and the label of his underwear was sticking out from his pants.

I quickly avert my gaze to the window, hoping he didn't notice. "Goodmorning Angel." He said in a raspy morning voice as he hugs me from behind. "Get off." He chuckles and goes to sit down to drink the coffee. I run to the bathroom and lock myself inside. What was this warm feeling? And why was my heart beating like i just had ran a marathon? I sigh, holding my head in my hands.


fter awhile I come out of the bathroom and I chug my coffee, me and Jisung is off to class. As we are walking I'm deep in my thoughts, I cant even hear Felix saying hello to me when we meetup. "Minho-hyung? Hyung!" I look up and see Felix in one of hyunjins shirts and a black leather skirt, covered in hickeys. I sigh and glare at the two guys behind Felix "I thought I told you not to fuck him too hard." Felix turns a deep beet-red "HYUNG! we didnt do anything, its only hickies." I roll my eyes "whatever you say Lixie.." I chuckle as we walk into the school. Right in the middle of a sentence Jisung drags me closer

"Let's skip this school day, what do you say?" He smirks and glances at Felix that looks at me, confused. I sigh and nod "Sorry Lixie, im skipping this day." Felix pouts at me "Okay..atleast i have Hyunjin and Changbin hyung!" I pat his head and walk with Jisung to a park. "You better have alcohol or some shit in your bag, or else im going to class." Jisung chuckles and hands me a can of beer. I make a face, beer wasnt exactly my favourite but it would do. I take a sip and enjoy the sounds of dogs barking in the park. "Hey, Minho. I have some stronger in my dorm, wanna go there?" My eyes glisten, and I nod so fast i almost drop my beer. Jisung chuckles at the looks of me almost dropping my beer and we start to walk back to the dorms.

As we enter the dorm, Jisung presents me with wine, vodka and chocolate "What is this, a date?" I chuckle as Jisung drags me inside the dorm "Maybe." We sit down on the couch, laughing, drinking and eating chocolate. It was 11 am when we ended up ignoring the glasses and drinking straight from the bottle. "-And then Changbin tripped hyunjin so he fell into the pool! Hyunjin wasnt too happy after that, so he ate all the meat in the fridge as a revenge." Jisung and I laugh at Felixs two boyfriends and how stupid they are, when i felt this strange warm feeling again. Jisung walks to the kitchen to get some chips when i stumble after him and almost trip over my own feet. Jisungs eyes widen and he looks at me "Minho, are you drunk?" I shake my head while trying to use Jisung as a crutch, trying to stand up without everything fucking spinning like a carousel. "I-Im fine" I had never been this drunk before, and i felt like i was very hot..

I try to stand up straight, but everything started spinning and i felt like i was falling. I quickly grab Jisungs shirt, and jisung ends up pinning me on the wall. It felt like i was burning hot and all aching. I glance down at Jisungs lips, and after awhile i hear JIsung speak "..Can i kiss you?" at that point i was too hot to care about the bet, so I nod and soon enough i felt his soft lips push on mine.

Jisung POV

I slightly licked at Minhos lip and Minho immedeatly opened his mouth, the makeout was filled with the taste of alcohol and I felt Minho submit to me in a second. Minho tried fighting for dominance with his tongue, but I won immedeatly. we break the kiss, panting. I look down at Minhos bulge and smiles "I've got you.'' He thinks to himself and he drags Minho to the couch. I sit down before tapping on my lap. "Sit." Minho immedeatly follows order and sit on my lap, aswell as their lips joining once again. This time, Minho didnt try to fight for dominance, but I wanted to tease him more.

I slowly reached under Minhos shirt and touched his abs, aswell as the surgical scar he had on his stomach. That was enough to drag a slight whine from Minho, which satisfied me enough. "Please, Jisung.." Minho pants and looks down at the bulge in his pants. I smirk as i slightly caress him under his shirt. "Words, baby." Minho was fisting his shirt nervously "Please..fuck me." I was already rock hard, trying not to bend him over the living room table and fuck him harshly but i resisted "I cant yet, but you can get off lap." Minho starts to blush and nods slowlyas I slowly move my hands to guide his hips. I make sure to tease him a little by stopping his hips, making him whine in frustration. "Calm down baby, youre doing great." I never knew Minho was a bottom, I myself was a switch but i didnt mind topping for this adorable boy.

A few minutes later Minho is crying into my neck, in both pleasure and frustration. I smile to myself when i hear the phone ring. Me and Minho both look at each other and Minho goes to answer the phone. "Hello?" Minho says like he wasnt just almost cumming in his jeans. His gaze turns worried and he quickly sobers up. "Felix is in the hospital." My eyes widen "Then lets go, ill drive you there." Minho quickly changes to sweatpants and we both jump on my motorcycle to drive there.

When we arrive the nurse is hesitant to let us know where Felix is, but she did it before she got on Minhos nerves which wouldve resulted in a lawsuit. We enter the waiting room and see Felix on crutches. Minho runs to Felix "Lixie are you okay?! What happened?" Felix smiled at the sight of Minho "Its nothing, its just a sprained ankle. Doc said that I had to be on crutches for about a week." Minho sighs in relief. "Thank god." I smile at the two hugging each other and we chat for a second before me and Minho leave since Felix was going home with Hyunjins in his car. "Im just happy Lixie is fine." He sighs as he stands and smokes before we drive home.

When we arrive to the dorms, Minho walks up to his and I walk to mine. My dorm was still smelling of alcohol and sexual tension when i entered. "You're as good as mine, icecube. Just wait." I smile to myself as im laying in bed, thinking about the day we had.


1316 words HELLO<3 im back baby >:) i havent had much motivation cause im struggling a little with some relationships and i feel my seasonal depression coming back T-T

Anyway, i hope you enjoyed this chapte, i originally planned that th ekiss was gonna be next chapter but changed it last minute XD

BTW FEEL FREE TO MAKE FANART<33 make sure to eat and hydrate well! goodbyee

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