Day 15

12 1 0

Minho POV

I wake up on the floor, I look around to see a wine bottle on the floor. Right..I got drunk after practice..I stand up, luckily I didn't have the worst hangover of my life..that'd be the worst especially when Jisung is dragging me to a fucking amusement park. I stand up and take a ciggarette from the table and go outside to smoke it. I'm blowing smoke rings in peace as I watch the rain fall onto the trees. I walk inside as soon as Ive finished smoking, and put on some reasonable clothing (reasonable meaning leather pants, leather jacket and a t-shirt). I walk out of the dorms, thinking if I should skip school. I get interrupted by Felix hugging me from behind and Hyunjin and Changbin following Felix. Hyunjin pulls Felix towards him and kisses and soon enough Changbin does the same. "Enough, Lovebirds." I make a disgusted face and Felix laughs at me. "Minho-hyung, you should try wearing a skirt..I have one that would fit you!" My eyes widen "ME? wearing a skirt? No way-" "You would fit in one." I turn around to see Jisung behind me. Of course he would say that..

I roll my eyes "Shut the fuck up, Jisung." Jisung puts his hand on his forehead dramatically "Ow! ouch! so cold!" He smiles slyly at me. He loved to tease me, even if he would regret it later. "So when are we going to the stupid amusement park?" I sigh and Felix's jaw drops "YOU ARE GOING TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK? I'D LOVE TO COME!" Jisung shushes Felix "No. Only us." I walk between Jisung and Felix "Dont use that fucking tone to him. Got it?" I glare at Jisung, making sure he got it. Jisung smirks and nods "Protective of your sunshine hm?" He chuckles lowly and I roll my eyes. "Whatever, lets skip school, I have too much of a hangover to have energy for that one teacher.See you tomorrow Lixie. Oh, and both of you" Lixies two hyungs turn around and look at me with a raised eyebrow. "Dont fuck him too hard, I want him to be able to walk tomorrow. And if you hurt him I will fucking kill you both." Felix blushes and covers his beet-red face in his hands "MINHO HYUNG! DONT SAY THAT TO THEM!"

I giggle and I start to walk when Jisung drags me to his motorcycle. "Yah! Im not getting on that." "Oh yes you are, you dont have a choice." He hands me a helmet and I very unwillingly put it on. "You have to hold my waist in order to not fall off." I sigh very deep and wrap my hands silently around his waist "Ooo~ you have nice hands.." I pinch him hard in the waist "OW! okay okay..I won't talk about that..for now." He starts the motorcycle and drives onto the road. I watch as the cars pass us by, it was really pretty..but I would never admit that loudly. We stop at the entrance of the park and I give him my helmet. "See? wasnt so bad wasnt it Icecube?" He pats my head and smiles at me "Do you want to have one arm? If so do that again." "I'd like to see you try, angel." He smiles and pats my head again, and I quickly grab his arm and twists it. He falls on the ground to his knees "OW! OKAYOKAY CALM DOWN!" I smirk and let go and he stands up, checking if his arm was still attached on his torso and not ripped off.

We pay our tickets and Jisung immedeatly drags me to a dog cafe. "I prefer cats." I mumble silently, but he seemed to hear what I said, because he stopped and pouted at me. I roll my eyes "Fine, we can go there." He smiles widely, continuing to drag me to the cafe. We enter and Jisung immedeatly runs to pet the dogs. I walk to order a few pieces of cheesecake and two iced americanos. I sit down and wait for the order as I watch Jisung play with the dogs. After a few hours I eventually got tired and I drag JIsung out of the cafe, him following me very unwillingly. We go on a few rides (that I totally wasn't afraid of) and as we walk to our next destination Jisung sees a photobooth.

"OMG, we have to go there. RIGHT NOW!" He drags me to the booth and we both barely fit into the booth. "Okay say cheese! 1..2..3 cheese!" It takes 4 different photos and its mostly Jisung thats posing, I dont get why he was so excited for this..Before I can even think he is out of the booth and is looking at the pictures. "Waa, you need to learn how to smile.." He sighs "Whats wrong with not smiling?" I ask, raising an eyebrow "People..tend to avoid those who doesnt smile." I shrug "Better for me."

Jisung rolls his eyes and look up at the sky "Yah we should go look at the sunset, i know a good place" I nod, since he never takes a no for an answer and I follow him to a picnic place, where the view is the best. "Waa..this is..pretty.." I say as Im watching the sunset. He rolls ontop of me, our faces being so incredibly close that I could feel his hot breath "Not prettier than you" It felt like time stopped, but soon enough I pushed him off of me and continued to watch the sunset as if nothing happened. "Yah, Minho?" I glance at him "It's pretty late, do you wanna stay over? I know you live in the same dorm house but still, your dorm is on the top and mine is on the bottom. And it must be exhausting not having an elevator." I think for awhile, but then agree, it was reasonable "Sure." We finish watching the sunset and as we walk to his motorcycle Jisung mustve noticed my hands shaking "Are you okay Angel?" I look up from my feet "Im fine." I cringe at the nickname, but I knew he wouldnt stop. He shakes his head "Here, take my jacket. You must be freezing" I take his coat and put it on slowly. He stops and looks at me "It fits you. But your clothes would fit better on my bedroom floor." He winks at me and I glare at him for a few seconds before I start to chase him "YAH! DONT SAY THAT EVER AGAIN!" He is laughing as he is running to his motorcycle "IM SORRY! *giggle* I WONT DO IT AGAIN I SWEAR!"

I stop chasing him after awhile and we start to drive home. I notice my eyelids flutter and the feeling of tiredness overwhelming me. "Are you tired Angel?" I sigh "Icecube was better." Jisung chuckles "Whatever you prefer, Pup." I roll my eyes, was he ever gonna stop? He parks the motorcycle and we walk to his dorm. At this point I can barely keep my eyes open, and as soon as he unlocks the door I run to the couch and lay down to fall asleep.

Jisung POV

"Hey Minh-" I see Minho laying on the couch, was he sleeping? I walk up to him to check "Seems like you had a long day." I smile and get a few blankets for him, placing them carefully on him so he doesnt wake up. "You look good in my clothes, Minho." I whisper, mostly to myself. I walk to my bedroom to get some sleep aswell. I smile to myself, as I look back whenever I flirted with Minho and he would hit me or chase me around an amusement park.


1300 words

Hello yall! I've had a break from writing cause of some personal issues, but im starting to get back on track! Its currently 1:09 am here T-T.. I might write another chapter if im feeling productive this night.

anyway, please dont ask about my logic whenever its weekend and weekdays etc, cause who cares about logic if the story is good? anyway imma prolly go sleep, goodnight and remember to eat and drink well!

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