Day 5

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Minho POV

It had been almost a week since the bet started and all Jisung did was pester me. Does he really think I'm that easy to handle? I'm walking to the school as Jisung suddenly pins me to a wall "AH-! Jisung! what the fuck!?" He smiles at me. "Hello, icecube" I roll my eyes and push him off me. "If you think that's gonna get you dick, you're wrong." He starts to laugh hysterically "Like I'd ever want YOUR dick" He laughs so much I thought he was gonna suffocate from having too little air in his lungs.

I roll my eyes and walk to a bench where Hyunjin sat with Felix in his lap and Changbin beside them, on his phone. "Hello Minho!" Felix runs up to me and hugs me, I wasn't used to his hugs yet, but I could get used to it since he liked it so much. Felix was dressed in a purple skirt with a oversized purple t-shirt. "You look good Felix." I smile slightly at him. He smiles widely at me and then goes back to Hyunjin. I death-glared Hyunjin and signaled that if he hurt Felix, he wouldn't have a bright future. I was relieved it was friday, because I had practice on the weekends I and didn't have to hangout with Jisung. Anything was better than the cocky, squirrel-looking asshole. He always winked or something to me, it was gross.

I drag Felix from the bench and walk to class. "Minho, wait!" Jisung runs after me "what the fuck do you want now?" "I wanna talk to you about something." I sigh and walk with Jisung to a more private area. "About..that gang you know?" I sigh, I didn't want to be reminded of that. not now. "What about them?" Jisung pauses for a moment before speaking "Well I know where they hangout and we both could..get revenge, if you want to." I blink four times, he knew where they were after school? This could be fun. But what if he was lying? I sigh and decide to listen more. "How would we.."get revenge"? it's my business after all." Jisung raises an eyebrow "Our business you mean." "Since when-" "It's my business aswell since I saved you from them." I sigh loudly "I told you not to mention that." I mumble, I didn't feel ashamed..I just felt..scared? dissapointed i couldn't protect myself? maybe both. "Minho. We could get revenge. Are you in?" I sigh, this could either get me deep in shit or it could go flawlessly. "I'm in."

I sit in class, next to Jisung as usual. I'm staring at Changbin and Hyunjin, they seemes to behave really weirdly against each other. Like something have happened.. "Yah, Icecube? What are you doing?" Jisung interrupts me in the middle of my thought of course, like he always does. "Nothing. Don't you think Hyunjin and Changbin are behaving weird?" Jisung shakes his head as a no. I continue to doodle a few things while having my eye on the two dudes beside Felix. I seem to fall asleep for awhile because when I open my eyes again the class is empty and it's lunchtime. The teacher is side-eyeing me so hard, that I actually started wondering if she was related to Hyunjin. I quickly take my stuff and run to the cafeteria where the others are sitting. "Why didn't anyone wake me up? assholes." Felix looks down on the floor, looking a bit ashamed "I'm sorry, I just got caught up with Hyunjin and forgot.." I sigh, I've never seen Felix this obsessed with a man- no TWO men before. I don't get how you could fall for Hyunjin, he looks like and IS a manwhore. Anyone thats human can tell. "It's fine, the teacher didn't say anything either, she just side-eyed me." Felix giggles and gives me a soda bottle. "Here, since you almost never eat in the cafeteria" He smiles at me and continue to eat. I suddenly remember something. "Jisung. Let's go do the thing, you know?" Hyunjin, Changbin and Felix all look confused at us. "Do what? a-are you..?" Felix's jaw drops. "NO! we aren't dating. never. We just need to go get a thing from the class.." Jisung nods at them and we run to the place where the gang supposedly is.


Jisung gestures me to go first, as a bait. I walk past them and all of them block my way, the plan worked so far. "Well well well well..look who came back with his tail between his legs." the leader chuckles. "Leave me alone. I promise you, if you don't let me go it won't be fun." I growl at them. The leader puts his hand on my shoulder and I immedeatly take his hand and squeezes his hand tightly. He screams in pain and just as the two other guys are about to attack me Jisung comes from behind them and kicks them behind the knee so both of them fall down. I klet go of the leaders hand and throw him to the ground, making him land on his back. I step on his hand, threatening to break it. "Please! I'm sorry for what I did!" I ignore his words while i watch JIsung. He was surprisingly good at fighting, could he be the racoon my dad was talking about? no.. it couldn't be. He would never be able to be that. I watch as Jisung kicks and punches them blue and purple. "Don't ever try raping anyone again 'kay?" I shout, mostly directing the leader. The leader nods and I smile, it felt good to hurt someone for the first time. I step hard on the leaders hand, breaking it and making him scream in pain. I smile as I walk out of there with Jisung following behind me. "Didn't that feel good?" He smiles at me.

Jisung POV

He answers with the same cold tone as always. "Yes. it did." He seemed pretty experienced in fighting, I wonder if he was what the boss warned me he could be, but I don't care, one more reason to date him no? I smile to myself as we enter class, I hope Hyunjin doesn't see through my lies when he asked where I was with Minho.. We sit down and continue to ignore the teacher talking as we both go on our phones. I sit and think about how I could seduce Minho, or how I could get him to date me. Maybe pay him? No, he wouldn't accept. I sink deep in my thoughts without noticing that Minho glances to me every now and then.

Felix POV

I see Minho and Jisung come late to class, it isn't that surprising but they went somewhere TOGHETER and that's what's weird. Minho usually doesn't warm up to someone in a week, it took ATLEAST two months for him to like me, FELIX. I get dragged out of my thoughts by Hyunjin touching my thigh. I blush when I notice his hand slightly squeezing my thigh and I see Changbin noticed aswell, he wasn't happy about it though.. I continue to take notes and I glance to Minho thats on his phone, as usual. We make eyecontact and I smile at him. He doesn't smile back like other would, alot of people doesn't give time to get to understand Minho. But I do. I continue with the notes and just as the teacher is about to start rambling how her one cousins grandmothers boyfriend had some sort of STD the school bell rings.

I run up to Minho to hug him when I notice the blood stain on his show and shirt "Minho! Are you okay?!" He rolls his eyes and holds my hand assuringly. "I promise Felix, I won't be having any more blood stains on my clothes for a long time." I exhale in relief. I hope he wasn't just saying that. "You better not, do you know how hard it is to get rid of them?" I sigh, but my sighing turns into a smile fast. "Hello loverboy" Changbin smiles at me and his hands trail to my waist, making me blush even more. "H-Hello" I manage to stutter out, these two boys were driving me crazy..

Minho POV
I see Changbin flirt with Felix and I feel like I want to punch him. Why? He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy that would be soft if they started dating. I sigh and on my way to my last class of the day, I change my mind "Felix, I'm gonna skip this class. See you tomorrow"

Felix nods and I start to walk to the dorms when someone approaches me. I sigh loudly but doesn't stop walking "Hello, Jisung." "Hello Ice-cube!" I roll my eyes, were he ever gonna stop calling me that? I'm not cold. I walk to my dorm with Jisung following me like a dog. "I fucking hate this bet.." I mumble to myself, and Jisung must've heard cause he had that stupid smirk plastered on his face. I unlock my dorm and about to close it when Jisung steps inside. "Did I say you could come in?" "Did you say I couldn't come in?" He smiles slyly, He was so annoying.. I sigh and close the door after him. "Waa, you have a nice dorm, it's not at all like Ch.." He trails off and takes a look at my TV "Waa, you must be rich.." "I earn alot from my side-work" He nods and sits down on the couch. "I've got some wine and rum in my cupboar-" I don't even get to finish the sentence cause Jisung runs to the kitchen like someone running a marathon. He immedeatly finds the alcohol and runs back to the couch. "I guess you like booze." I take off my shirt and as I'm about to get my other shirt Jisung comes into my bedroom "Hey Minh..." A few minutes passed, Jisung stared at me, first in my eyes and then it trailed down "DUDE! GET OUT!" He gets out of his trance and runs to the couch again and lies down "DUDE YOU'RE RIPPED! YOUR SIX PA-" I hit him in the head woth a pillow "Watch your words."

He opens the wine and takes a big sip. I walk out of the bedroom in a black hoodie with gray sweatpants. I see Jisung is avoiding me with his eyes, Still probably not over the me actually having abs "Can I ask why you have a scar on your stomach though?" "It's a surgical scar." I answer, I wasn't QUITE telling the truth..I got surgery because of someone stabbing me, but I didn't tell him that. He nods and continues to watch TV and drink. I sit beside him and chug the rum. "Damn- you're not a lightweight when it comes to drinking.." I finish chugging the rum, I had drank half of it. "I drink weekly Jisung. Why would I be?" Jisung nods and continues to drink. Soon enough we both pass out from drinking so much.

1885 words
SMUT CHAPTER COMING SOON!  anyway, its soon 12 pm here at night as lm writing this, so goodnight and remember to eat and drink!

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