~-•Red Light•-~

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This ain't as short as the other one! Yippee!

I woke up and saw it was still night, but what confused me the most is that I saw Oeca running through the forest, "what the...?" I whispered to myself.

I flew down to the ground, landing and hiding my wings. I went to the house origami was in and knocked on the door, Nobody answered," hm, guess Owen went home" I said as I walked away.

I walked back to Owens to tell him I was making my own house and maybe steal a couple pillows and blankets. "Owen" I said to get his attention, "hm?" He asked, looking at me, "I'ma move out" I said casually, "okay, you do you" he said while making a javelin.

I took my bed and stole a couple pillows and blankets, and maybe one of Owens sharpest knives. I walked out and went back to the fores, I made a tree house and put my bed down, I made another nest, this time making it out of pillows, blankets and other soft material.

By the time I was done, it was already morning but I was too tired so I went to sleep in my new nest.

               (T I M E S K I P to morning)

I woke up to the sound of distant shouting and panic, I decided I would check it out from a distance since I don't want to get involved in whatever is happening.

I walked around the forest to see if I could catch a bit of what was happening, I saw Owen looking a bit panicked but trying to remain calm.

"Owen? What's wrong?" I asked, "uh-i-they-" Owen took a deep breath and continued, "we don't know where Origami is, and Mohwee went in the maze" he said panicked, "oh, I'll keep an eye out to see if I spot them!" I said as I disappeared in the undergrowth. "well that's weird" I whispered to myself as I flew up to my tree house.

I built my tree house deep in the forest, so i started looking around for anything cool


I built my tree house deep in the forest, so i started looking around for anything cool, I saw a couple birds, a cow, and lots of trees.

I walked around and saw something that looked out of place, it was a red light, i didnt know what it was. I looked around before going to it, it was beautiful.

I stuck my hand out, about to touch it.


Ayyyy! Not as short as the other one!

Words: 436

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