~-•Dreamless Dreams•-~

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My room is a mess 👍 good job


I woke up in a void, I didn't know where. I suddenly started feeling a bit nauseous, I closed my eyes but when I opened them I was in front of a mirror, I saw that I looked... younger? Probably 5 or 6 years old.

I suddenly heard yelling in the room next to the room I was in. My feet started moving towards the room, even if I didn't want them to. I looked up to see two people, a man and a woman, both fighting.

I knew them.

They were my parents.

"Momma? Papa?" I heard myself ask, "SHUT UP YOU STUPID MISTAKE/DISGRACE" they both yelled at me, I felt tears forming in my eyes.

My dad pushed my mom into the red light behind them, I smiled, I didn't know why but her screem made me smile, and the way my dad kept shouting sorry over and over trying to revive her also made me smile.

I ran away.


I woke up  with a smile on my face. I got up and grabbed a knife my lighter and a backpack I made out of the resources I had. I grabbed my sword, putting it on my belt that mohwee gave me.

I walked towards Graecie's house, I knew that that was where Origami was. Finally making it to her house, I knocked on the door, waiting for a response. Graecie opened the door, "hi... can I see origami?" I asked quietly. She didn't answer, just stared at me blankly.

I saw a cup get thrown on the floor and i backed away slightly, “Can you not?! You’re being deliberately destructive!” I heard Owen say, “You’re the one keeping me trapped like a rat!” I heard Origami shout, "Graecie, what's happening?" I asked her, She looked at me with that blank face and turned around.

I decided to wait outside so I sat down near a window to see what was happening, After what I saw I went ahead and went to a near by tree instead. I then saw origami run out of the house and into the forest, Owen following them, dang, I really wanted to talk to them.

I decide to run after them, gliding from tree to tree, I made sure not to get caught. I saw them dive into a bush and Owen run past them, I decide to land on a tree near them and climb down, "Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Ahh!" I yelped as a sword is pointed at me, They moved the sword away from me and let me sit up, “You scared me Willow.” they said in a monotone voice, they sounded a bit mean but I ignored it, "sorry" I replied quietly.

“Do me a favor?” they asked, "what's the favor?" I asked back, “Go and kill Owen for me.” they said, "w-what, I can't do that" i whispered, my eyes widening, they laughed a bit.

“Nah, I need you to go and ask what it’ll take for them to not lock me up like a rat.” they said while crossing their legs, I sighed, "I don't know if I can do that"I replied, "well, Owen has been getting more violent towards me and yelling and even trying to hit me but calming down, and I feel like if I were to ask him that he would hit me..." I said looking away.

“If me tries to hit you or does, you’re coming straight to me.” they said in a deep voice with a Scottish accent, "i- ok" I said, "what did you want me to do again?" I ask, “Go and ask Owen what it’ll take for him to not lock me up like a rat.” they said, "ok' I said as I got up.

I walked around trying to find Owen, oh! There he is! "Owen! I said walking up to him, "hm? Willow? What are you doing here?" He asked, "well um, Origami asked me to ask you what it'll take for you to not lock them up" I replied nervously, "you know where Origami is?" He asked menacingly, "I-um-well- i-" I stuttered as I took a step back, "just tell me where they are and nothing will happen" he said taking a menacing step towards me.

I darted away, hiding behind a tree.

Oh God, what if he finds me, will be hit me?

I decided to climb up a tree and wait till I calm down, I wonder if Origami is still in the bush, probably not. I climbed back down and started looking for Origami.

They're probably deep in the forest as well as owen. I climbed up higher to see if I can see anything, But all I saw was green leaves. I stayed in the tree, someone would find me, hopefully not owen.

I moved through the tree tops and glided to the ground when I was a bit deeper in the forest. I walk around a bit more before hearing some footsteps so I duck into a bush. I look up and see that the sun is going down.

I walked a bit more until I suddenly felt a hand grab my wrist.


I have guitar class tomorrow!

Words: 884

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