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I love arson!

"hmm, I wonder how I could make that pretty orange and red thingy" I thought out loud, It was beautiful, I didn't know what it was.

What did Owen call it? I don't know.

I decided to go and look for a way to make the red light, as I called it. I looked for a couple recipes until I finally found it, I just needed flint and iron which I already have!

I went to an area away from my tree house and cleaned it out, since, I may have used it to destroy my bed down, not my nest though, only my bed.

I placed down some of the red light, it was so pretty, I wanted to touch it but last time I did Owen got mad at me and started yelling at me.

I put the red light off and went back home.

It was midday by now and I decided I would go to sleep because I was too lazy to do anything else.

I laid down in my nest and fell into a dreamless sleep.... at least.... that's what I thought.

I wrote this while my mom was yelling at me to clean my room, writing helps me calm down.

Words: 211

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