~-•Sleep over•-~

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I woke up somewhere uncomfortable, I still felt lightheaded. I looked around to see I was in Graecie's house.

"Yeah. I just zoned out." I barely heard someone say in the room next to me. "Hm, why am I in Graecie's house?" I asked myself.

I tried standing up but ended up falling with a loud thud, Graecie rushed to me and helped me up, "uh, thanks, but, why am I here?" I asked.

I heard someone laugh so I looked over and saw apo and origami laughing. I tilted my head, what were they laughing at?

"Aww man- That was a little bit rude!" Apo said before they both dissolved into laughter.

"what are they laughing about?" I asked Graecie quietly, "uh, I don't know" Graecie replied.

Origami ended up laughing hard enough that they fell off the chair and tumbled into apo.

I wanted to ask what they were laughing about but they probably wouldn't hear me.

"I think im gonna puke-" they said and started laughing again, "Ew! No! Dont puke on me!" Apo squeaked out and they continued to laugh.

I looked at Graecie and she looked just as confused as me.

I'm still wondering what they're laughing about.

I heard Origami mutter something and then Apo burst urst into laughter again.

"are they okay?" I asked Graecie, "definitely not." She said shaking her head.

"Oh- Hi there!" Origami said and started laughing again as Apo lightly punched their shoulder.

"what the fu-" I said louder so that everyone in the room could hear me, "Hey-!" Apo barely managed. "Language-!" He said still laughing.

"you didn't answer my question. Why am I here?" I asked again, “Because-“ origami said trying  not to laugh but miserably failing. “You were passed by-“ they had to take a breath. “Out in the forest.” they finished. Apo just patted their arm and they continued to laugh.

"oh. Sorry" I apologized, Origami just chuckled, their head still in Apo’s lap. “You’re fine." they said, moving to sit beside him.

I just nodded my head. I noticed that the thing I woke up on was a bed, it was quite uncomfortable for some reason.

It was turning night. Great.

Beds are so uncomfortable! I won't be able to sleep if they don't let me go home!

"Sleepover!" Squidny shouted and then turned to the door, "I'll go find Oeca!" She said and ran out the door, "nevermind" I said quietly looking down.

"Hey Willow want my sleeping bag?" Origami asked, staring at me, "sure" I said, smiling at them.

Oeca was suddenly shoved through the door, falling to the floor. That must've hurt.

"Oh, here Willow!" Origami said and tossed their sleeping bag onto the floor for me as Gracie tossed them and Apo some pillows and two blankets.

"thanks!" I thanked them.

"Apo! I need a blanket too!" Origami pouted and tried to grab one from him, making me giggle.

"But I'm cold!" Apo said back with a sad face, making me giggle a bit more.

"Fine then! I get all the pillows." Origami said, piling up all the pillows.

It was funny seeing this, I'm pretty sure I heard Graecie chuckle as well.

Apo threw them a blanket and origami gave them half the blankets, both of them laughing. I walked up to origami, "hey, um I might need help with the sleeping bag" I said nervously.

"Oh, I can help you." Squidny said as she got up and walked over to me, "oh, thank you" i said.

We went over to a corner and she started helping me with the sleeping bag, After she finished helping me, I thanked her again.

I sat on the sleeping bag. I wasn't sleepy, I mean, I had been passed out for a while.

I decided to just look around until I get sleepy. I got up and started looking around and saying hi to everyone, I also saw Oeca still on the ground so I asked if he was okay and he replied with a thumbs up. I don't think he's ok but ok!

I walk around a bit more before sitting back on the sleeping bag. I was bored as heck.

A couple hours passed and I was still awake, I got up and carefully opened the door, finally opening it enough for me to slip through, I went outside and sat on the porch, it was a beautiful night and I didn't want to miss the opportunity of seeing it.

I stayed there for a bit before I went back in. I started looking around again before I noticed I had a bookbag that I came up with, I hadn't noticed it yet.

I sat back down on the sleeping bag and opened the bookbag.

what the hell.


Hi, I'm going to school rn.

Words: 806

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